Wednesday, 13 March 2013

C if for..... Candy Crush

For week 133 of The Gallery : The Letter C can only be for one thing... CANDY CRUSH!!!

Candy Crush Level 102

An ode to the hours of my life lost over the last couple of weeks, that I will never see again. Addicted??

Browsing The Gallery on TheStickyFingersBlog is THE ONLY way to while away the time between Candy Crush life fills. It's official. 

Now what level are you on???


  1. I CURSE the day you made me play this godforsaken game. Curse it. That right there is my 'C'

  2. Ha, ha, ha! That's a neat choice for the theme!

  3. I have resisted so far! But I know if I have a sneaky peek I'll be hooked.

  4. Oh I'm so addicted to this. Wish I'd never started. x

  5. OMG, I'm addicted too. Nearly gave up at level 20 as I didn't have enough friends to help me up a level. Finally found another and managed to get onto level 21. Great interpretation of the the theme!

  6. innocentcharmer8 April 2013 at 10:52

    This game is the death of me!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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