Thursday, 4 April 2013

Filofax Doodle Review Part 1

I LOVE Filofax, I'm a long term user. That sound's wrong but you know what I mean?!

I received a press release a couple of weeks about about the new Filofax Doodle and yesterday that release was followed up by a Doodle for me to try out and share my views on.

We love it. I love it... it's like being back at school but being allowed to write what the hell you like on your English book.
A real review will be coming soon but the excitement got the better of us last night and we made this little vid. Enjoy...

Disclosure : Filofax sent me this item to review. All views are my own.


  1. I was just wondering where Filofax got the Doodle idea from? It's a mystery to me... scratches head.

  2. Yes... that secret code was meant for you:)

  3. I had Spirograph when it first came out in the mid 1960's great toy.. but love the maths behind it

    Who said all that Maths would never have a use in later life!

  4. I'm not very artistic, but I really like this one (even though I won't
    be buying). It would make a good notebook due to its thin size. Would
    have LOVED one of these when I was much younger!

    Maycee (


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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