Thursday, 11 September 2014

Let's Talk About Sex

As a blogger, I get sent a lot of press releases. Very few lead to a blog post, but as I have two girls teetering on the edge of becoming teenagers, this one from Lil-Lets struck a bit of a chord with me. 
Here's why...

Following a recent survey of 2000 British parents, Lil-Lets have found that more than 60% of parents find it difficult to talk about sensitive subjects like puberty and sex with their children. I am quite shocked by this, especially in this 'in your face social media world'.

I guess that I'm not the norm (don't say anything), when it comes to my parenting style, but I truly believe that it's your job as a parent to ensure that stigma and embarrassment don't even enter the building when you are talking about these essential topics with your children. 
After all, if they don't learn from your positive, relaxed example, there's always the playground and social media waiting to teach and tease.

Get over it people..... because if you don't take the positive high road of talking to your kids about puberty and sex - who knows what they will learn (or from whom).

There are some additional resources at the end of this post, if you have an issue talking sex, check them out.

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