Friday 5 June 2009

Cool Cardboard Eco Dolls House

I seem to be really drawn to these cardboard contraptions at the moment. I have all of these grand ideas about pulling out the big box of 'stuff' that lives in the cupboard in our playroom and sticking, pasting and painting to our hearts content.
Ok so I obviously never actually get to put my grand plan into action. That may be something to do with the fact that I have four children, a husband, two cats, one dog, one very full time business to run, no cleaner, quite a big house to clean and a gymnastics club to run buy hey we can all dream of a perfect life where we have time to be creative for fun.

I just love this dolls house. The girls and I have been searching for one for a while. It is - along with an old Silver Cross dolls pram the main thing that we search for every sunday as we religiously hunt at the car boot sale. But it has to be said that I am a tad fussy. I want an old 60's or 70's style one - not one of the new soulless moc Georgian ones that are all over the place.
So in the absence of my dream dolls house - I think that this one comes in a pretty good second.

I'm thinking Barbara Hulaniki wall paper in the lounge and a think shag pile carpet in the bedrooms - oh the joy!

Anyway you can play at your own 60 minute makeover for the very good sum of £26.95. It is made from recycled cardboard and open fronted for easy access.

It measures 75 x 38 x 74cm from ECOutlet


  1. wow, it looks amazing. The fun I could have with one of those. Shame I have two boys. Castles??

  2. There are loads of cardboard bits out there. They are all begging to be stuck and pasted if you ask me!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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