Tuesday 30 June 2009

Limited edition Yellow Stokke Xplory now available as an additional fabric set!

I'm back on home turf - more than a little jaded and with so much to do. My work pile is so high that I don't really know where to begin and as it is school sports day in a about half an hour I thought that I would try to squeeze this in instead.

You will all be very pleased to know that my trip to Norway was relatively un-eventful. No airport traumas to report, though I have realised then when travelling alone I do have a tendency to dawdle somewhat.

On the way out from Heathrow - I was once again the last one to board but that was the complete fault of the Chanel Bag that was calling me to buy it. I didn't succumb, if you are interested. We are in the midst of a credit crunch and that would have taken a lot of soup dinners to pay for it!

I'm feeling totally summery today and I thought that I would share this bit of hot Stokke® news that I picked up on my travels.

I drooled over their Limited Edition Yellow Xplory® when it launched a few months ago and the hot news is that you can now buy the Yellow fabrics as an additional fabric set, without having to buy the complete stroller.

This is great news for all of the total Stokke nuts out there. Many of them already know that it's simple to update your Xplory® in a snap by picking up an additional fabric set but now with the last few yellows available - what on earth is stopping you?

The fabrics are really easy to change and if you are feeling adventurous why not go in for a bit of mix and match for the truly unique Xplory experience.

Xplory fabric sets are £155 in the UK and the cool forest accessories kits are £96 if you feel like going for a patterned look. (See Stokke for retailers and prices in the rest of the world)


  1. Oooooh that's cute :) but I am a tad disappointed that the trip was uneventful. Your travel traumas post did make me giggle :)

  2. Noooo...... I was so pleased that i had the ONLY one in #Brighton.... Shh... don't let anyone in #Brighton see this! Or I might have to change colours again!!! LOL
    Seriously though, HOW COOL... i was so pleased to get my Yellow accs in March, I love the Yellow! its so vibrant.. and so different! It gets noticed So much more too! :-)
    are the Footmuff, change bag & parasol available too? (please say No.. as i have all these too! lmao!)
    I want to be different.. :-)
    Glad the trip went well... And super glad your back on UK turf!!
    Missed you! :-)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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