Thursday 23 July 2009

Chicago the Shopping 1

That was a bit of abrupt ending last night but So you Think You can Dance came on Fox - and I love that so it won!

I know that you are all dying to know what I bought on my shopping trip last night and as I am the worst person in the world at keeping secrets I have already shown everything to the crew back home thanks to our Skype call this morning!

The first store that I came to got me so excited I thought that I was going to pass out! I Love Supermarkets - especially foreign ones, they do it for me!

Once I'd worked out how to get in (this city has an obsession with revolving doors that i can't get my head around!) I was greeted by a whole isle of nail varnish and other suitably girlie exciting stuff that my girls love.
I was secretly pleased that I was there on my own because although @byyanto likes supermarkets too - I think that my open mouthed gazing would have been too much for even him to bear, (and he loves me).

I spent about an hour in there and managed to only spend $20. I could have easily bought more but I'm not sure on what the rules are about bringing food back into the country at the other end so the Spicy Jalepio Cheesums didn't make the cut. One thing did puzzle me though....

In whose mind is is right to place the most delicious looking biscuits on the same isle as foot care preparations?

So I bought, some little jewels for the girls to stick on their nails, lipstick, nail varnish, root beer (yum), some very nice looking sweets and that's it.

The next place I chanced across was TJ Maxx (not TK here). I do like a rummage and love to shop but this place was too much even for me. We have picked up some fab stuff for the children here over the years and it was straight to the kids dept.
Excitement highlights are - Boys Calvin's $5 for three pairs. Paul Frank PJ's for FunnyGirl $10, a black & white striped maxi dress for ModelGirl $10 and the icing on the cake - A Hello Kitty sewing machine for $14. The girls will be over the moon that they can make the curtains for our dolls house project. Spend in TJ Maxx $60. Happy I went in search of food.

I settled on Wow Bao, @byyanto loves Bau. They are one of his fav eats. Me, I can take them or leave them and settled on some dumplings and noodles instead. Food was OK, but no one can ever make dumplings like my hubby he has a technique that he has finely crafted through the years and his recipe is a closely guarded secret! Apart from his fashion and style they are the other thing that makes him legendary where we live!

It's Thursday morning here now. I have been awake since 4am - so today is going to be another long day. It's the first day of BlogHer, but today is business based not the regular conference and it doesn't kick off till lunch time and I'll probably go for another wander when the shops finally open.

News from home is that they have found a frog in the garage - who ModelGirl has named Sonny (she says because they don't know if it's a boy or a girl?!) and that the shower door fell off it's hinges and smashed into thousands of pieces leaving a naked cold husband stuck in the shower with glass everywhere and no one to help him. FunnyGirl came to his rescue with a pair of shoes but boy what a mess....


  1. Watch out for those excess bagagge charges! My parents got stung big time last time they came back from China...
    Love how you posed the picture with Manky Bunny admiring the loot!

  2. Oooh I am jealous! I love to shop and to rummage and you certainly got some bargains there! Day 1 of you gone and the house is falling apart! Bless them! Keep us posted with your bargains. I said it once, but I will say it again, I am jealous! Sod Blogher... I just want to shop±

  3. I love going to foreign supermarkets too!
    Love the PJ's. Sounds like you're having a fab time. I'm jealous too!

  4. Oh the shopping, sigh! Great haul.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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