Monday 27 July 2009

DinoBoy Reviews Gulliver's Kingdom

Whilst Mummy was in Chicago at her BlogHer09 conference Daddy took us to Gulliver's Kingdom for a day out. We don't usually do things without Mum - so that was a bit odd but we had a really good time.
The best ride was the Junior Drop Tower which is a ride that takes you up really high and then just drops you down.
When we first got on it I was really excited then it dropped about 5ft and my tummy went funny inside - urghhhhh.....
It was just ModelGirl and me at first, FunnyGirl was scared but came on when she saw us having such good fun. She screamed loads and daddy told her to stop!!

We had a go on the fire engines which I really liked. I was playing with the hose and when I lifted it up the water ran straight down my sleeve into my top and left me with a big cold wet patch on my side! We did manage to put out a big fire though.

I really wanted to go on the Log Flume - but no one else did. I talked the girls into it but dad said NO WAY! But we begged and begged and begged and finally gave in (I think that he only did that so we would shut up!).
I sat at the front, then ModelGirl, FunnyGirl and Daddy at the back. FunnyGirl and Daddy got soaked - we thought that was hilarious - but Daddy didn't! He wouldn't take us on a second time because he was too wet.

Then we went over to the Princess Play area where the girls dressed up like princesses - they really liked doing that, Dad and I hung around taking pictures of them.

For lunch we had kids meals - we all had chips and sausage. The meals were big, but I ate all mine - if you know me, you know that isn't a surprise. (I did feel a bit sick afterwards but I didn't tell Dad. Good job we didn't go on anything swirly or there might have been trouble!)

After lunch we went on the Big Wheel. At the top you could see the entire park - it was a really good view. Then we went into the Mini Maze, I was obviously the first one to make it to the middle - the girls got a bit lost because they went the wrong way. I had to be a hero brother and rescue them. I was being totally nice and got them back out again - I could have left them but I that would have been mean.

We went on the Jungle River Boat three times. That was so much fun. The ModelGirl went on a big carousel swing all by herself, she said it was not scary at all.

I really wanted to go on the Bumper Cars but i wasn't tall enough to go on my own unfortunately and Dad had to look after the girls. Next time when Mum is with us I'll be able to do it with her, or maybe I will have grown that extra millimeter by then!

We had a really good day at Gulliver's, but we had to leave to get home to let our dog out. There are lots of other fun things that we didn't make it to like the Dinosaur Eco Farm park. I would really like to go back so that we can visit them. After all I am DinoBoy!


  1. Wow it looks like you all had a really good day out!
    I love the pic of you all on the log Flume!! its always the ones at the back that get wet!
    Well done in writing another fabulous Blog post!
    I will show my 8yo when he come home!
    Gulliver's Kingdom looks like a great day out!
    Thanks for sharing with us all! :-)

  2. Thanks Nat. Have missed you whilst i have been in the US of A - I have a dress for Soph that someone gave to me as a sample. Will post tomorrow.

  3. I think you should start a blog of your own, I have a boy who is almost 9 and it is nice to read from your perspective. It sound like you enjoy a lot of the same things as him.

    Gullivers Kingdom sounds really fun, perhaps I will take my children there one day. The flume looks excellent. I am glad to hear the kids meals were big enough, my son often complains if the portions are too small. He says that now he is nearly nine he needs more food than his younger sisters. He is probably right because he is quite skinny!

    I also wanted to say I enjoyed your book review. I wrote you a comment, but managed to delete it somehow, oops!

    If you do start your own blog please get your mum to tell us all as I am sure you will have plenty of readers :)

  4. Juicytots,
    DinoBoy is going to start his own blog. It would have been online already if it wasn't for Blogher. Give us one week and we will have a grand opening!

  5. I must say that I thin that DinoBook looks particularly handsome in that last pic. Good job I am here to protect him from the masses of screaming girls that are bound to be after him before we know it!

  6. Another brilliant blog post, and I'm loving your photos! Great! I think you could make a living out of your reviews DinoBoy!

    Well done for getting your Daddy on those rides too ... not sure mine would have (thankfully mum liked those kind of things so used to drag us on with her!).

    Looking forward to the next post :)

  7. Wow that looks like a lot of fun!! And the pictures are truly - are you ready for this - AWESOME!! :)

  8. We've been here and we loved it! We've got a magnet pic of my son and husband on the log flume. I wouldn't get on it, didn't want to get soaked! x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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