Friday 31 July 2009

Thanks to @alphamummy

I know that I have already posted today - but this afternoon I came across an article from yesterday's Times that fellow attendee Jennifer Howze wrote.
It was a great piece - that summed up BlogHer09 really well.

So a big thanks to Jen for the mention - you can read what she had to say about her BlogHer experience here.

Shhhhh......I haven't told her yet that she features on my crazy CheesburgHerz photo montage - perhaps I'll keep that one to myself!


  1. Whooop Whooop! that is so cool that you got a mention in the Times, My 1st and only mention in a Major tabloid was in the Sun by jeremy clarkson! lmao!
    The BlogHer09 sounded so amazing, I would loved to have come along, maybe when the UK version comes to life....
    I loved your heesburgHerz pics.. Looked like a right laugh, but i agree, the smell might have made me feel a bit queezy too!! LOL

  2. Super. Brilliant. Check you out! :o) Seriously well done!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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