Saturday 1 August 2009

Review day.. Little Yeo's Yoghurts....

Since returning from my Chicago adventure I have had lots of approaches from brands asking me to review their stuff.
After thinking long and hard about it I have decided to make Saturday my regular product review slot. I have a bit of a backlog and I'll try to get through them a couple at a time.

Your thoughts and comments - as always, are appreciated!

To begin - we were sent some Little Yeo's Yoghurts for the crew to try.
It has been well documented on my blog that my kids are pretty terrible eaters. But one thing that they can be guaranteed to scoff down is stuff like this.
The bag of chilled stuff arrived just in time for breakfast and the first four pack was gone in a jiffy.
Verdict from the monsters.... "Can we have another one please?"

Suitable from just six months they are a perfect weaning food. Made from mild creamy organic wholemilk yoghurt and natural fruit purees with no artificial flavours, colours or sweeteners.

They come in two pack sizes. Six pots of 55g (the ideal size for babies) and a four pack of 90g pots - that my lot wolfed down.
The cost around £1.69 from all major supermarkets.

The other thing that I have been sent to play with is the new EA Active for the Wii. It being a really horrible rainy day today - is probably the right time to get my exercise gear on and give it a go.... or I might just curl up on the sofa with the kids and watch Torchwood.....


  1. OOOH I bouht the EA Active today.. need to shift the last half stone of baby weight (OK OK I actually lost all the baby weight and since then put on half a stone through chocolate and wine that I thought BFing would keep at bay!!) so fingers crossed once I get it out of the box it will work.. Will keep eye out for the yoghurts too!

  2. My two have always had Yeo yoghurts, we have some of these in the fridge to try!

  3. Great idea to have the Saturday night slot as a review slot....

    Have you got anything new to make me all jealous about? xx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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