Wednesday 12 August 2009

Wordless Wednesdays...

This is the first time that I have partaken in Wordless Wednesday - so I am turning it into a (not so wordless) caption competition.
Best entry wins a Stokke® Tripp Trapp chair worth £135.....

Rules are as follows.
1. You need to follow this blog.
2. Post your caption in the comments.
3. Caption can come from any or all of the people in the picture.
4. If you re tweet the comp you can enter twice.
I will pick a winner at 8pm GMT on Wednesday 19th August 2009..... Be creative!

Please feel free to link to the comp from your own blog - that will give you an extra entry too.
I must add that TotallySonny has a new blog post today too. For those of you who don't know, he is my 8 year old blogging son. Do stop by.


  1. 'I can see the light, walk towards the light...Is this heaven? why am I back in this world? what did I do wrong? ahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhhhh

  2. "Not so fast dahlings...Let me bask in the limelight!"

  3. It was so nice in there...why am I out here? Where's my Stokke Sleepi?

  4. as the Surgeon lowered the curtain, she took a look and said "OMGosh.. she's white... I know who the Father is now!"

  5. What a cool photograph, fraid it is too late for me to think of anything funny but wanted to say hi :)

    Am MaryPopps1 on Twitter, very much a newbie on there and don't understand it, lol, but thought I would give it a whirl.

    By the way saw the fabulous handmade seatpad for the tripp trapp on twitter, I made one for my DSs tripp trapp in a cowboy print, I love it :)


  6. When I said I wanted to send the baby back I didn't think it'd involve surgery!

  7. "Stop,Stop, I'm not ready my agent hasn't agreed my fee, and wheres the milk I asked for?"

  8. Bloody hell, it's a baby. Didn't she come in to have her bunions done?

  9. No, No, NO! This is ALL wrong - I specifically requested George Clooney in his ER scrubs to deliver me.
    Don't you know who I am??!

  10. Only 5 seconds old and already complaining that the light is unflattering!

  11. It's my birthday, I'll cry if I wanna!!

  12. Here's one I made earlier....

    The best I could do lol, would it be alright to link to you from my blog, I know some lovely ladies who would love to enter :)


  13. Whats with the face masks how could I possibly have swine flu this early on!!

  14. lol- all these have given me the giggles...

  15. Mrs Smith The good news is it wasn't a grumbling appendix...

  16. The tension was running high as the team attempted the first 'baby replacement' procedure!

  17. About blooming time, I've been (Tripp) trapped in here for ages!

  18. "is it a bird" " is it plane"!
    No...its a baby.......

    Great picture!xx

  19. The surgeon felt she had taken the 'designer baby' thing too far with a glow in the dark version!

  20. woah there doctor - where do you think you are gonna stick that tube ;)

    (sorry for the tone lowering *blushes*!!!!)
    glad I found your blog through MaryPoppins - I too have 4 children - including a teenager and a baby - look forward xto reading through the back posts :)

  21. Would have loved you to have won, you went in the tin :)I shall keep my eyes peeled for future giveaways now I know some of your likes :)

    Am very jellious of your LadyBird haul, I get mine mostly through thrifting and have never paid more than maybe 20p for each one.

    Mel Mel is a mate, ohooo they are coming through to you lol

    What a fantastic giveaway prize you are offering.


  22. Mary Poppins, I have to admit that I have paid more than 20p for some of my books but I have a huge pile of ones that I have amassed more of - A good idea for a giveaway?

  23. Hey have been reading your gorgeous son's post, what a lovely lad you must be very proud :)

    I shall say it quietly, I have a model child too, the three year old boy. Ohooo I wonder what agency your boy is with, mine is with UA.


  24. Whoaaa, would someone hit the lights, Where the hell are my Raybans!!

    Fab Blog, I only discovered you today & Fab prize, My fingers are crossed lol....:)

  25. OK - so I know that it isn't really the done thing to enter your own comp but FunnyGirl begged for a go! She doesn't need a new Tripp Trapp so you are all safe!
    She said.... "That's easy mum, I can tell you what I am saying... WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

    Classic FunnyGirl xx

  26. 'what are you lot all staring at?, you did'nt have to go through the f*****g sunroof!'

    And i must say thanks to Mary Poppins for leading me to you(great Gal)!
    Kirsty x

  27. "Wait a minute, I was expecting Sigourney Weaver!"

    Amazing photo! x

  28. Put me back, put me back!! I was nice and warm in there!!!

  29. There sure are a lot of people out here, is it always this busy?

  30. LOL... some of these are great. I have lost my caption mojo, but will be back as soon as I can think straight again!!!!

  31. I tweeted, so here's effort no.2:

    "open or wrapped?" :P

  32. Kicking from INSIDE the womb does NOT class as assault doc please dont chop off the crown jewels... capiche?

  33. Excuse me, I was SLEEPING. I will never let you have a full nights sleep again. EVER. Mwah ha ha ha.

    Can you tell I am missing my sleep?

  34. OMG its a baby? I thought it was just bad wind???

  35. We're going to wave this random naked baby in the air while we carry out your boob job.

  36. My mojo has left me. Not fair. I keep coming back to this but nada. Nothing. Sob sob. Some of these captions are soooooo funny!!

  37. Hold on, got one:

    Waaahhhhh you bring me into the world like this, and wonder why I don't speak for well over a year!

    Or how about....

    Look at you laying there doing nothing, where's the effort lady!!!

    Or from the lady at the back of the room....

    Damn. I thought I'd get the best view down this end, but no, the bitch has to go and have her that way!

  38. Or from the person on the left with the 'thing' in his hand:

    The pregnancy test has come back positive....

  39. after much persuasion from the Delusional mother, the surgeons took the term "reborn" to a whole nother level!

  40. Ohooo realised I get two go's for linking on my blog :)

    Quoted from THE STAGE newspaper

    " Debut performance from future child star FunnyGirl sets the 'theatre' alight.... "


  41. Actually for legal reasons, was not quoted from the STAGE newspaper, was quoted from me lol


  42. Ok, I'm in the US so I don't even think I can win, but I finally came over to at least check out the picture and as soon as I saw it I thought of the Lion King:


    (you know, the music playing when they're holding baby Simba up on the rock).. :)

    -Emily @ Baby Dickey

  43. "hallelujah! hallelujah! Halleluujaaah!!"

  44. Even the midwife's ventriloquist act couldn't kickstart labour.

  45. "I'm not sure what Aliens are, but I'm pretty sure I'm being abducted by them!!! Or was that big word "inducted" that the masked man was saying . . . "

  46. Hey--I was confortable in there. Put me back!

  47. Oh My God! It's happened...I knew it was coming...I'm being abducted by the big people! Please let me back in...I'll be good, I promiise. It's s cold out here [shiver]...everyone is staring at my business. Oh NO! Get those scissors away from me. Somebody, please help they are going to cut off my thingy. Who are those crazy people? Why are they wearing masks? Are they oxygen masks? Of no I can't breathe...HELP!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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