Saturday 19 December 2009

And the Winners are.........

I used this random number generator to pick the winning entries and they are......
The lovely Ali from thegoodlifebloggers and the equally lovely Natalie from my favorite product blog Bambino Goodies. Congratulations ladies! Please get your addresses to me asap and I will pop straight in the post.
Thank you to everyone that took the time to enter and to the Fizpouch for the amazing prizes.

I have another comp coming up later today (when I have completed the big Christmas house clean!) so do pop back.


  1. What a terrific and super fair way to chose winners. I shall have to check that out.

    Happy Christmas dear chum.


  2. woohhooo! thanks! I never win anything x
    Merry Christmas ;>)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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