Tuesday 22 December 2009

The big Miffy giveaway

I've always loved Miffy - though not with the same slightly odd passion that fuelled my Hello Kitty phase. I cherished a Miffy book when I was a child - I loved the bright colours and the simplicity. I carried that book everywhere I went for months. It had been taped together so many times when I was finally convinced to lay it to rest.
So you can imagine how excited I was when I saw these fab Miffy comforters and I was even more excited when they offered me a couple to giveaway.
I'm going to run the giveaway for tonight only so that I can post in time for Christmas. One of these comforters would make a brilliant gift for the baby in your life. If you miss out - don't worry you can pop by the Miffy store and pick one up for £9.99.
To enter, please leave a comment here on the post. For an additional entry please RT on Twitter or post to your Facebook page. If you do post the link on your Facebook, please do let me know by leaving a comment, here is the link..
Miffy comp ends at 10pm tonight. Delivery in time for Christmas http://ow.ly/OBWm 
I have two to giveaway so good luck!


  1. Is it really sad to really want this even though i'm 34 years old? I love Miffy :)

  2. would love the chance to win the blue one soo cute

  3. I'd like to enter please, have just RT'd too :)

  4. What a lovely idea. Would love to win one of these for my Miffy-obsessed Sister who is expecting her 1st baby next year. Consider this RT'd on Twitter too! x

  5. Please can i enter the competition, i have a few pregnant friends who would love these :)

    @grannysmither on twitter

  6. Hi, would love to get it for Isabelle, maybe will be lucky this time, have also RT as @Kahanka

    Have a Great Xmas ;)

  7. Ohh please enter me, have RT'd @caroljs x

  8. I am a massive miffy fan, which is rather sad as I am currently a childless 34 year old, my friends daughter even calls me Miffy Helen. But if I was to win I would probabaly give it to my 8 month old god daughter molly.

  9. I have a Christening to attend on 3rd January (weather allowing!!) and this would make a lovely gift for little Lilli. I've also RT'ed on Twitter - @anybunnies

  10. ooh what a lovely prize. would love to win

  11. I would love to win as have 3 new babies due in the family & it would be a lovely gift. We are haing a baby boom as to many babies born this year to count LOL

    I am already following you & have retweeted about this contest.


  12. My little girl would love this - I`ve RT'd too


  13. OMG that is so cute. I'd love to be entered. Best mates baby due 24th January, so would be used and appreciated

  14. thats so cute! thanks for running the comp! @koey666 RT'd too :)

  15. I love Miffy too! Please enter me!

  16. Ohhhh lovely, please can I enter :) am RTing @paulinepppp

  17. Just love Miffy, super cute! :oD Please enter my name, thanks! RT'ed as well.

  18. How beautiful are they!! Would be a struggle to get off my own daughter, nevr mind her mother for they babies that are due in the family..they def have a big aww factor!

    have rt too @madmagz22

  19. Yes 37 and still loving Miffy - have retweeted too ;-)

  20. Ooh I'd love the lovely blue one! Maybe it will entice this baby to finally come out and play!

  21. ooooh mini-me would LOVE the pinkie one! <3

    I have retweeted too :D

  22. OOh pick me!!! I too loved the bright colours of the books when I was a kid, we certainly didn't have all the lovely Miffy stuff that's available now. The comforteris gorgeous and I'd love to win one for my 10 month old. Just one thing, will it make her sleep all night?! Happy Christmas to you and your family and thanks for the fabby giveaways this year. Sarah

  23. another miffy fan here..would love to enter the giveaway.
    Happy Christmas

  24. We neeeed one... OMG the pink one. Love it!! Tilly has chewed her current bunnys ears to deah and theyare minging LOL!! Even washing is not helping bless her teething chops. :)

  25. Who doesnt love miffy!? ADORABLE!! :) So cute!

    Rt'd @Englishian :)


  26. Please could I be entered too - soooo cute!

    I'm popple79 on Twitter.

    Thanks :) x

  27. These are ideal gifts for anyone with little one's, if I win i'm going to give it to friends little one who's not a well girl.
    gl all
    merry xmas.

  28. Ooh my little man (and me) would love the blue one, Merry Christmas

  29. I'd love one for my daughter! Please enter me if I'm not too late! Thanks

  30. I adore Miffy!! I have forced all 4 of my kids to adore her too...... love them both!! :)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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