Saturday 26 December 2009

I got my first Blythe

I blogged a few weeks ago about my new obsession with Blythe and look what santa brough me.....
She is an Ichigo Heaven customised by Jaszmade and I love her..
Thank you to the very special man who bought her for me...

Slight issue around our house now is that the girls have fallen in love with Blythe too. I can see that this might be the beginning of a very expensive habit....


  1. ali at GreenBaby_uk28 December 2009 at 21:04

    Hi you crazy broad! Although I have to say I am quite liking her eye makeup and frock!
    Concerned by your use of the word 'first'. Do I sense a collection developing? X

  2. I dont even know what Blythe is.... but she's better than Barbie!!!!! :D xxxx

  3. I don't know who Blythe is either! *sigh* I'm obviously missing out on a major trend...

  4. Ali, number 2 arrived.....
    and Claire my dear - Barbie is trailer trash..... i see we have work to do before LG is in the dolly market.
    Liz, she is simply the most beautiful girl in the world (apart from my real girls that is!).


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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