Tuesday 29 December 2009

I got my second Blythe!

Lets call her a christmas pressie to myself. I had no idea that Yan had bought my other beautiful girl - so now we have the beginnings of a family! For those who are interested..... (and it seems that lots of you are!), she is Blythe Urban Cowgirl!


  1. She is fabulous. She can join us on the cover of Vogue too!

  2. Im a Blythe virgin. What are these things? I think you need a post about what they are. Are they kids toys, are are they like Oliver .... confused!

  3. I love them! Want one for F but not sure of the best place to get one - any recommendations?

  4. These dolls look great!! Where can you get them from?

  5. Ladies and Claire...
    I will of course write you a Blythe guide. Very interesting history.
    All collectors would say NO - they are not toys but the 1972 originals were made to be played with.
    Hannah, try ebay but do some research first.
    Clareybabble..... Sadly Blythe is not on general release in Europe, only in Japan and the US under license from Hasbro. However there is a huge global community of collectors and customisers around the world and there are lots of dolls changing hands. You can expect to pay from around £100 for a new limited release doll or upwards of £2000 for an original 1972 Kennar doll.
    Beware though... she is crazily addictive!

    Please do let me know if any of you take the plunge!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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