Wednesday 2 December 2009

ModelGirl's News...

Today she ran in from school and threw down the letter onto my keyboard. 
"Look mum, look! I got the letter."
The letter that she so proudly waved before me was an invitation to join the elite Leicestershire school children's dance project. The same one that had allowed my own dance training to flourish when I was a child.
It is times like these when being a mum if the best feeling in the whole wide world. 
Well done honey. I am so proud of you.


  1. Fabulous news. Congratulations. She has a bright future ahead. I saw you both briefly at the Next event in London - ModelGirl was standing on her tip toes - so this news does not surprise me. She certainly looks like a dancer!

  2. Congratulations ModelGirl, what great news for both of you.

  3. Rosie, I wish that you had said hi! At the Next event that was FunnyGirl. My little one - who had as it happens just been to the final short list audition for the Angelina Ballerina Dance Award ( i am not a pushy mum honest!!). FunnyGirl made it to the final 15 - out of 600 dancers that sent in tapes. In the final 15, she was the youngest by 2 years and the only child who didnt have a place on the Royal Ballet Junior Associates scheme... She cannot even audition for the RBJA till she is 8!
    We should hear in the next couple of weeks how she got on. My girls (and boys) rock xx

  4. That's awesome :)
    Well done little lady - and well done mummy for passing down the talent :) xx

  5. Excellent news. Its great when they achieve something like that and you smile so much that your face starts to ache x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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