Tuesday 12 January 2010


I am having what is officially know as bad computer karma. Over the weekend my mac decided to lock me out saying that I was using the wrong password.
I had to re install OS X but then I was still locked out of my keychain password which meant that I had to delete all of my passwords.... yes mail, network etc and start again. It took me all night.
Then a lovely man from PageRank left a message for me on this months Tots 100 index advising me that my RSS feed and my blog were in fact not linked at all.
Totally obvious when you think about it. I have my blogger address and my custom url. So I have two sets of traffic but nothing to link the two.
So I decided to start tinkering around and as the hosting company that I bought my URL from are pretty pants (their email is always going down). I decided to transfer my domain and purchase some hosting. 
OMG, what a pain in the ass that is.....
Current outcome..... YummyMummyTips.com is down whilst the transfer takes place. Fine - I can deal with that.
but then......
I get the phone call that I have been waiting for since before Christmas regarding the presentations that I have to prepare for my meeting in Barcelona next week. I knew I would be told at the last minute - and guess what? I was.
Biggest mistake of the day was hitting upload template to blogger for a client page that I have been working on. As I was on the phone my mac didn't have my full attention and I failed to realise that i had in fact published the client blog right on top of mine........
Long and short of it is that I have managed to rescue my content (by taking the source code from a Google cashe). This gave me the front page and 7 most recent entries but nothing else......
So after a few tears and a fair bit of moaning I switched to a standard template and all of my content returned! Hurray.....
Now I have to re-work my layout... but its passed midnight, I have two meetings tomorrow,and  I have all of the work to do for Barcelona - by tomorrow...
So please bare with me..
and in a shocking twist of fate.... I have a back up the cats blog..... I mean what is that about??


  1. I think you need a stiff drink and a goodnight's sleep!

    Come back and look tomorrow with fresh eyes.

    What a day.


  2. I understood about three words of that - techno-gobble-de-gook sounds and looks remarkably like Swahili to me. I didn't even attempt to subject myself to the trauma of sorting my blog out, and have just paid someone to update the template for me!!!!! If you have a moment to check it out, once your Barcelona deadline has been met, and your pulse rate has returned to normal, let me know what you think. Jacqui xx

  3. You need to do a little bit of delegation, before you combust, good luck!

  4. You are all of course totally correct! There I was thinking that I was starting to 'get' this web stuff! Back to blogging for Dummies for me!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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