Monday 11 January 2010

How To Make Fried Rice

We are a family of fried rice lovers. It's a quid and easy meal that everyone eats. Perfect as a main meal or as an addition to curry. There's no right or wrong way to making the perfect fried rice but here's how we roll.

Cook your rice a couple of days before you plan to fry it. Fresh rice is too wet to cook and you simply end up with a pan of mush.

You can obviously use any veg, meat or fish in your fried rice and it's a great way of using up leftovers but we like to use frozen peas and sweetcorn and Spam.

You can add any meat or veg to your fried rice but our meat of choice is Spam. Before you turn your nose up, I implore you to try it. 

Spam in Fried Rice

Cut your Spam into small cubes, fry until browned in a splash of oil and set aside.

Add some water to your bowl of frozen veg and cook for a minute in the microwave. Drain and set aside.

Then crack a couple of eggs into a cup and beat as if you were making scrambled eggs, but don't add milk. 

Add a couple of teaspoons of oil into your wok and cook the egg lightly. Don't over cook. Turn the egg out onto a plate and set aside.

Add a dash of oil to your wok and heat it up.

Add your rice, keep stirring to stop it sticking or burning.

When it starts to change colour add your Spam, veg, a dash of Soy sauce and salt and pepper.

Next add your egg and give it all a good stir.

That's it, yummy fried rice.

Fried Rice

If you don't have cooked rice - fear not, there is a trick that you can use.
Cook your rice as per the pack instructions. When it's ready turn it out onto a baking tray and spread it out into a thin layer. Pop it into a hot oven for 5 to 10 minutes to dry it out a bit and then you are good to go.

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