Friday 5 February 2010

Sonny Does Chubby Bunny...

I was tagged earlier in the week by my buddies Claire. She was tagged by Karin (I think), but the truth is Claire is a cheat! She got her sailor boyfriend to complete the challenge on her behalf.
She also tagged my poor defenceless blogger of a son....
So here he is with his attempt at the challenge.

Please do not let your children try this unless under complete adult supervision!

Right..... so not one to be out done by her big brother..... ModelGirl in all her supermodel splendour decided that she had to get in on the act too...

Coming soon...... FunnyGirl does chocolate fingers! I will of course step up to my own Chubby Bunny Challenge - as soon as my cold has gone....


  1. ha ha ha ha! hilarious. . . must try that at home! the boys would love it ;>)

  2. Your post is factually incorrect ... Phil tagged Sonny!!!

    And Sonny, you did good. I love the way your brought class to the proceedings!

    And Im impressed Biba! Good work!

    Much love xxx

  3. Not to be a downer, but chubby bunny is a really dangerous choking hazard because the marshmallows conform to your throat and are almost impossible to get out.

  4. That's adorably hilarious!! And how nice it was to hear your beautiful voice (and accent) again!! Now you're going to make me want to come to Blogher just to play Chubby Bunny with you. :)

  5. Well done to the Family! And well done for the disclaimer...goodness...never meant to cause a health and safety embargo! ;)

    Great job to you all...can't wait to see Sian's! ;)

  6. Haha, hilarious in deed. Your kids (and you) are just too funny !


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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