Wednesday 3 February 2010

It's true... I am a freak!

I have to begin by thanking each and every one of you for helping me to achieve this great accolade.
When I began my online experience - it was tentatively (till I decided on the spur of the moment to leave my family and shoot off to BlogHer in Chicago that is...).
Of course - since then I have never looked back and I have grown and my business has grown beyond all expectations.
I have met some amazing people that I know will be my friends forever and I've met a few people whom I simply block (cause I'm polite when I want to be...).

So where is all of this going you are of course asking????? And so I present to you....... 
The official Twitter Graders Elite.... Top Tweeter in Market Harborough!!!!!
Yes... little old me... sad but true and conformation of my freak status... I have finally arrived! i am THE TOP TWEETER in Market Harborough.....

Of course I'm not one to sit back and bask in my 5 minutes of fame..... you may have heard rumblings in certain mummy blogger circles about this summers CyberMummy conference that I am co-partnering. You will be pleased to know that we (should) have our site live really soon - but if you want to register your interest please just leave a comment.....


  1. How cool are you? Top Tweeter in Market Harborough? Phew...quit while you're ahead. Bet I'm top Tweeter in Northborough! ;)

    I'm most definitely interested in the summer conference! Please add my name! ;)


  2. Do you want to make a speech? :) xx

    I'll have you know I have been on the receiving end of the same "accolade" for a place called...Cannock, but well a (used to be famous) footballer has climbed back on top now, at least he's not kicking me.

  3. Cool.. Well done you! V exciting :) I definitely want to register my interest in the conference - please add my name. Thanks!

  4. Congrats!!! :-) I bet im the top tweeter from "Brighton" LOL ;-)
    seriously tho, thats fab! you're an amazing lady!!! :-)

    Put my name down for the CyberMummy conference.. :-) not that i'm a good "blogger" ;-)

  5. Loving the tweets! Please add my name to the list for the CyberMummy conference. Claire x

  6. congrats! please add me too! xx adina

  7. Wow!! you have made me insanely jealous....of to find my own twitter grading

  8. Please add my name for the conference !

    I realise that I'm not the top twit locally (but then I've not put my actual location down... I'm top for NotLondon (ok am only person ...)

  9. Ooh, well deserved! I think you need to buy a glizy dress and prepare an official acceptance speech.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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