Thursday 4 March 2010

The article

Lots of you have been trying to get hold of the March issue of M&B mag, but as it's about time for their next issue I can share with you.
No comments about how rough I look in the pics please. I'd been up for most of the night working....


  1. I think the feature reads really well and I love the pictures. You have a gorgeous family and I'm so happy that you were able to recover from such a dreadful illness. Hopefully your story will inspire and provide comfort for all the women out there who suffer in silence from PND.

  2. I remember reading your amazingly powerful post on your blog about attempting to take your own life in the throes of PND. I am so glad M&M magazine is highlighting this illness so other mothers and mothers to be can be more informed about it and so grateful there is no more (or at least much less) sweeping it under the carpet these days.

    You and your family look ultra stylish. What a great family!

  3. You and your family look fabulous, no way could I look that good after burning the midnight oil!
    Lets hope your story helps others and inspires other people to help those with PND, which is a terribly debilitating illness which needs more understanding x

  4. What a great aricle, it is just right and you and your family look amazing. You will give hope to a lot of people out there. Well done


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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