Friday 5 March 2010

World Book Day... are you Playground mafia... UPDATE!

I swore that I wasn't going to get sucked in to World Book Day this year - and I stuck firm. FunnyGirl pulled out her sisters old Alice dress... a bit tight but hey ho...

ModelGirl had her daddy alter her bunny suit a bit and I did make the clock to go around her neck.
Sonny chose a book at random - The Diary of a Wimpy Kid and luckily one of the characters was wearing jeans and a T shirt!

World Book Day costumes

We purposefully left a whole five minutes late to avoid the playground....and I managed to get home without a single feeling of jealousy, hate or annoyance! Am I going to parents assembly this afternoon though? No, I think not!


  1. Cute! The only book day I can remember I went as Sarah Lennox from "The Secret Garden" and had a floppy brimmed hat and a muff and my sister went as Sister Bear from "Berenstein Bears."

  2. Love the costumes. My daughter's school doesn't celebrate it which I find quite annoying. At least I don't have to worry about finding a suitable outfit, I suppose.

  3. I love the rabbit costume, very clever with the clock as well! I also like the approach of picking a book at random. Very clever!!

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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