Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Gallery Week 16...

Yes I'm being a bit indulgent this week but hey... what would you do if your dog was stolen? Annabel Karmel is my friend. My girls model for her and I advise on her PR on a project basis but aside from that we are friends.
She loves her dog, Hamilton - just as I love my kitty, Cheryl and she is devastated that he has been taken. Please spread the word.... he is a beautiful Samoyed. He's not a puppy, he is a big dog and if a family turns up with a fully grown dog like Hamilton I urge you to let us know. Annabel has put up a substantial reward for information that will lead to his safe return, so if you know anything.... please do get in touch with me, the police, or through Annabel's site.

And so to my pic for this weeks The Gallery.
I took this a couple of weeks ago. Cheryl loves to drink fresh water from the tap and I love this picture. I actually think that it's the best photograph that I have ever taken. I love the clarity of the water and the depth of field.
Proud Mummy-Tips!

A huge thank you to everyone who took part in last week's motherhood theme for CyberMummy. If you would like your photograph in the exhibition at the CyberMummy conference on 3rd July I need a high resolution version of your entry. Please see this post for info. I need pics by 24/6/10.


  1. Beautiful photo! They love fresh water. My cat Dixie often 'asks' for water from the tap when she keep me company in the kitchen while cooking.

  2. Tried commenting before - can see it's been fixed Hooray! I adore this photo - when I said she looks like Fantastic Mr Fox that was a compliment! It's something about the wiry whiskers. And those water droplets - amazing how you've captured them. Were you on a really fast shutter speed? Brilliant photo of Cheryl!

  3. I do hope that the dog is found, how terrible to lose a member of the family. I love the image and have a poll on my blog, as it seems everyone has cats!!

    PS I saw the mag and you look stunning

  4. Fab photo, cute too :) Jen.

  5. Thats terrible I can't believe the dog has been stolen poor Annabelle she must be distraught!

    Your picture is amazing though you have a real talent!

  6. Fab photo. Hope Annabelle's dog turns up. Must be dreadful for her. Noticed you were number one in Tara's McLinky. Pictured you there poised at eight o'clock sharp. Not that I was doing exactly the same. I really wasn't. *smirk*

  7. Hi,
    I sincerely hope this dog is found soon!
    And thanks for asking me to add you to my blog roll. I do like your blog but was too shy to ask you... i feel too much like a baby bloger and you a fully grow up one! Any way not I added you.

  8. Ah, lovely photo. Look at that dinky little nose. The detail of the water drops is great. x

  9. Wow this is a fabulous picture, so you should be proud!

  10. Yes, that is one beautiful photo! x

  11. that's a fab photo. great work :)

  12. Great photo. So sad about the dog. Hope it is found soon. x

  13. OMG how awful that someone would steal a dog. The poor things must be beside themselves. Hoping for good news x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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