Friday, 5 November 2010

Dear Tree and others

Dear Beautiful Tree of mine,
Against my better judgement and despite my love of your sheer beauty I have called the highways department to inform them of your demise. Please don't hold it against me as they will be coming to put you to rest next week.
Love always
xo xo

Dear Wind.
Please, please, please take a rain check on any sever blowy activity around these parts for the next week or so. Dead tree is not looking too good and if you blow him too hard he'll end up in my office and then I will be mad.
Yours - Bad Ass Mummy.

Dear Girls,
It is actually an honor to have been cast as the King's Twins in The King & I. I know that it is a total drain on you having to actually look at each other / touch each other / stand next to each other and smile at each other without each other to drop dead. Remember - without her you would be a lowly child at the back of the stage and not standing next to the King.
love Mum.

Dear Parent,
Thank you for informing me by text today that your child came home from school with a yellow card for calling my son a Chinky. I appreciate your honesty and I hope that you appreciate the fact that it took every ounce in his body not to punch your son in the face.

Do stop by 3 Bedroom Bungalow for more Dear So and So posts - they rock!


  1. Fair play to your boy for not punching the other kid in the face.

    Because I probably would have done it.

    PS Well done girls!

  2. Oh the last one is just terrible. I really can't believe that there are people out there who still use those sorts of words :(

  3. That last one? Seriously? Gah...

    Love the image of the girls not wanting to stand next to each other ;-) Sisters, eh?

  4. I love this idea! A great way to release all that's going on in the week. Letters thrown into the cyber pit! I shall have to go take a look at some others and maybe add my own!

  5. I'd a punched the other kid. Just sayin'

  6. Kat, That's what I said too and my boy was right in saying that then he would be in the wrong. I'm proud of him for that, especially when he said afterwards..
    "Mum, I am a Scorpio like you...DO NOT think that this is the end of it because it isn't. The kids will pay....."
    Darn it that was another Dear So and So wasn't it?!

  7. In my mind I have just punched him. Just sayin'

  8. Brill post. And because I know you, I know that you'll be telling the son what I'll be telling my red headed son - you'll be the happier one in the long run - because you're so lovely.

  9. loved this post - thank you for sharing!

  10. I would have hoped that the last one had stopped, I am sorry that it is still going on. Twins in the king and I, how wonderful!

  11. Can I pop over and handbag him for you?

    Am v impressed with the twins - hope the girls survive being that close to each other...!

  12. What an awesome post, this is a great idea. Poor wee tree but please stay put. Well done girls and a massive pat on the back to your son for not punching him. Well done. I'm off to read more posts. xx


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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