Wednesday, 10 November 2010

The Gallery...... Seasons

In a bid to clear my brain I dug down into my photo archives to take part in this weeks Gallery. A topical theme, Seasons.
I'm an Autumn girl through and through. Perhaps that's because of my November birth - but I'm not really sure. I love the rich deep colours of the leaves as they decide to fall and the crunch beneath your feet as you stride through the rich red, orange and yellow on the ground.
I love these pics of my girls. They were taken a fair few years ago at the Conker tree in the center of our village, FunnyGirl is just a toddler. 

We had so much fun collecting big juicy conkers in all of our pockets and crunching through the leaves.

ModelGirl is a bit like a tree herself! You can date her by the length of her hair and here it is so short, years away from being able to sit on it like she can now! I miss them being small, excited and worry free. Hang on to those moments and cherish them dearly.
If you are new to The Gallery, please do stop by at least a few new blogs - you never know you may just stumble across something that you totally love.


  1. Beautiful rich colours and photographs that bring back happy memories of my autumns growing up in the UK. It's a cosy up, look forward to Christmas, wonder at the changing colours and delight in the first frosty sparkles left by Jack Frost. Mmm, I can almost smell the roasted chestnuts :)

  2. I love it when children find things & are so interested in them. Great autumn collection!

  3. Lovely photos of fun playing inmate leaves and finding conkers! You are right about hanging onto those special moments it passes by so fast doesn't it? Gorgeous girls you have there :) I love the dress that Funnygirl is modelling

  4. Such stunning pictures, and yes, very much like mine!

  5. I can almost hear those leaves crunching. Conker moments are fabulous aren't they? Especially straight from the shell!

  6. crunchy leaves, small kiddies and conkers are what autumn is made of, lovely pics

  7. My Nipper is mad for conkers. Every day on the way to and from school we had to collect up as many as we could carry. He even found me a big stick so that I could knock them out of the tree for him.

  8. Tilly,
    Such a boy thing! Sonny loves to collect conkers with the aid of a big stick!

  9. Great pics...autumn is the best season...

  10. Such cuties, makes me want a girl so badly!

  11. What lovely photos. I love Funnygirl's dress, so cute.

  12. What gorgeous pictures and a great reminder to go with them. I try to cherish every moment but you do take them for granted don't you xx

  13. I love conkers so much! And I am loving that dress so much more!

  14. So true. My little girl is ten, nearly eleven. I don't quite know how it happened. Sniff.

  15. such gorgeous girls! I remember the fun of conkering. so exciting :)

  16. Beautiful pictures, both girls looking gorgeous ;) @Kahanka

  17. Oh that little dress in the first photo! How I wish my Evie would still let me buy her clothes...!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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