Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Gallery...... White

This weeks White Gallery theme is very apt seeing as everything is coated in thick, crisp frost.
I love taking photographs but more than anything I would love to take better photographs. I have a few lenses but I would love to have the time to push myself and to get more out of myself and my camera.
This beautiful frost cobweb was taken using my macro lens.

Don't forget to stop by Tara's blog tomorrow to catch up with the rest of this weeks pics.


  1. what a fabulous image! wow Sian, really beautiful

    Ali x

  2. Gorgeous - and a little bit spooky too!

  3. What a stunning image. I don't like spiders or webs BUT when covered in frost even webs look beautiful!

  4. Wow! Fabulous shot!

  5. That is a fabulous shot. Spider webs are lovely come rain or shine - till you walk into one that is

  6. That's a great shot. A little spooky though.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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