Wednesday 29 December 2010

A spot of CyberMummy housekeeping!

I hope you all had a great Christmas:)
As many of you noticed I've had my head down and yes I finally managed to get a few days away from my computer but I'm still alive so worry not!

The big news is that you only have 2 more days to get hold of your Early Bird CyberMummy11 ticket. On the 1st January the price will go up to £100. Get your ticket here.
There are still quite a few people who are yet to pay for their CyberMummy100 Club number. Wouldn't it be great if we could get this tied up to do a New Years Day draw?
Please check the link above to see who we are waiting for.
If you need to pay please email me and I will reply with payment instructions. mummytips at gmail dot com

Thank you for all of your support this year - you have all been amazing. 
Sian. xx

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