Wednesday 12 January 2011

The CyberMummy100 Club Winners are.....

Thanks to everyone who helped me make this happen. It has been a bit of a nightmare - but we made it in the end!
If you are one of the winning numbers please email me so that I can get the information I need in order to process your ticket.

If you can't remember your number - you can check it here on the original post.
See you at CyberMummy11!


  1. oohhhh I was so close on about 3 occasions!
    Congrats to all the winners :-)

  2. Yeay and congrats to all the winners!! :D :D

  3. So exciting! Another 7 people coming to CyberMummy! Congratulations to the winners - i'll meet you all there :)

  4. Ah, never mind. I'll find a way of getting there! Congratulations to the winners! Thanks again for the chance Sian.

  5. I just watched that about four times to make sure I saw number 80! Yay! :D x

  6. Oh yay! I picked number 24! So excited - thank you! :-)

  7. Thanks for hosting this Sian. Well done all who won a ticket. Secretly glad I did not win as I have already bought mine! lol Mich x

  8. Thanks for all the planning that this must have taken, I'll keep trying to get there!! Congrats all!

  9. well done everyone!! GUTTED I didn't win as was my only chance ;-( Now got to find me a sponsor!!!

  10. congratulations to all the winners!! see you there!!

  11. 27 - that's my age. Not my ticket number though! Congrats to all the winners. What's Cybermummy again?


  12. Congrats to the winners, looking forward to seeing you all there! And good luck to everyone else who is working on sponsorship!!

  13. Oh!! My! Wow! Coooooool! I Won. I am number 21! Wow! Thank you so much!!! :-)

    Thank you for organising this and so sorry for taking ages to realise you made the draw. Thank you. Yay. I am COMING!



Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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