Tuesday 11 January 2011

Press Request - Do you want to Earn £100?

Do you have a lovely story of friendship?

A top glossy magazine is looking for a lovely story about two friends (women) where one did something really amazing for the other in terms of romance. So the kinds of stories might be:
- I found her a husband
- I let her date my ex – she married him
- I dumped him for her
- I canceled my wedding day for her
- I paid for her honeymoon

Anything along those lines where the one made a sacrifice or went out of their way to help the other find happiness in love/sacrificed their relationship for their friend for whatever reason.

The women need to be between 20-40. Their story would only be about 200 words so not too much detail (or time taken up to put it together). They would also need to have their photos taken at a shoot but they'd be paid £100 to attend.

If you're interested in getting involved please email me on jessicapowell dot freelance at gmail dot com with a bit about your story, a photo and your phone number.

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