Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Gallery Week 4

I know that I say it every week but I totally and utterly Love, Love, Love Tara from Sticky Fingers Gallery Meme.
This week the theme that she has set for us is Me.
Last week I struggled with colour as I was late picking up the prompt. This week I have been mulling over my choice of images all weekend. Ultimately I couldn't choose between the inside or the outside me - so I have cheated somewhat and given you both.
So for your comments and enjoyment.....
Me inside....
 Me outside.....
If you would like the code for Tara's Gallery button, pop me an email...


  1. You look fabulous, Darling! I want your hair.

  2. Yummy Mummy yes! but i love, love, love your you "inside" pic, so beautiful and free :D

  3. Beautiful inside and out x

  4. Love it! What a great pictoral dichotomy.

  5. So bendy and full of energy. So beautiful. Love the inside and outside pics. x

  6. My goodness, you really are the original yummy mummy!


    MD xx

  7. They are both beautiful pictures

  8. I remember my days of dance and gym when I could do that! I absolutely love your hair, so cool. Mine's curly, so a cut like that would involve much straightening every morning.

  9. I just so love your thought behind these pictures. And having read what I've read on your blog before I know what a really big thing your dancing was.
    Fabulous pictures Sian. You really are a star x

  10. Such wonderful comments - thank you everyone...
    Jumbly mummy......alas no - six months on a spinal board, two very long metal rods and 47 screws put pay to any of that bending over backwards stuff!

    Your Meme has inspired us all... no pressure for next week.

  11. Late as usual! Love the bendy photo ;) I did a lot of dancing and gym growing up, I'd like to think I could still but know sadly I can't :)
    Beautiful shot of you, very striking.

  12. Fab words and beautiful pics, all of them. You are so so gorgeous and I want your hair. Can I have it? ;D

  13. Lovely pics....great hair! Makes me want to run out and have mine all cut off again :)


  14. That is the haircut I want!! I can never explain it to the hairdresser. Please come with me next time :)


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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