Friday, 19 March 2010

Is UK Social Media to be regulated?

One of the hot topics at last summers BlogHer was the imminent implementation of the FTC (Federal Trade Commission) guidelines on sponsorship and disclosure.

The few Brits in attendance sat back smugly thinking that will never happen here... 
Well it looks like we were wrong. 
I just stumbled across a post on econsultancy talking about a proposed amendment to the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) that would give the Advertising Standards Agency (ASA) the ability to start dissecting brand marketing activity on social networking sites.
The ASA says that two thirds of the complaints that they receive relating to online marketing activity are not covered by the current code and that has to change.
It will be an interesting time for the brands that have carved out a comfy social niche.
So bloggers, tweeters and lovers of pr freebies it looks like full disclosure may soon be on its way.
What are your views?


  1. I haven't done many reviews, but always use full disclosure. Well except the one post about National Potato Day...

  2. I think a lot of bloggers have a fair idea of how such opportunities come about but it's not those people the ASA are seeking to protect.
    Disclosure is a good thing and it's not like it takes a great deal of effort on a blogger's part either.

  3. I think most bloggers are clear about these things already and the community is fairly self policing

  4. I already try and disclose anyway and think it's a good idea moving forward.

  5. Most parent blogs, that I read, appear to abide by the rules of Bloggers With Integrity. I'm all for full disclosure. I don't know how anyone could attempt to police the internet though?!

  6. Yes I agree that on the whole bloggers in our community 'blog with integrity' and it is pretty obvious when you are reading a review if swag has changed hands.
    But what about Twitter? Is disclosure possible in 140 characters? And how are the rules going to be enforced?
    Thanks for the comments people.

  7. I'm not sure that it isn't needed. I find that while it may be obvious to those 'on the inside' a casual reader may not pick up on the subtleties. When you read about some of the ways big brands are behaving with relation to children I think it does require stricter regulation.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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