Monday, 19 April 2010

The Gallery...... 7 Deadly Sins

Well I have to admit she got me thinking this week...... I left it too long to see what the prompt was to stage the shoot that I really wanted to do. So instead I decided to focus on ModelGirl. My first baby girl.... after two boys I was desperado for a girl and here she is in all her glory....
When grumpy...... not to be crossed
It is a rare site these days - but when she was a baby her nickname was Spam
.... she would eat absolutely anything...
Still a bit scabby from her chicken pox
It is a proud day to see your daughter on the cover of a magazine...
"You and Blythe both have a Chanel handbag.... why can't I?"
Because you are 8.
My daughter has legs like barbie oops.... Blythe
She did actually eat the whole darn hot dog
Tara.... thank you once again for making me delve and re discover.


  1. Fantastic as always. I love the photos and explanations. I have that magazine. I'm going home to have a look at it tonight, she is so cute. xx

  2. Blythe has a Chanel handbag? When did this happen? This is alarming news. Sian we must get one, somehow. Lovely pics by the way. Love the pride one best. Impressive stuff. xx

  3. Lovely pics Sian, love the lust pic and explanation...would love to know what the response to that statement was?

  4. Brilliant! Am very impressed. Puts my "single" photo to shame!!!

  5. Great photos. One of the lovely things about The Gallery is that it's such a great excuse to look through all your photos, isn't it? x

  6. Well done for covering all 7! They a re lovely photos & obviously hold some lovely memories!

  7. She is beautiful. My favourite is the one of putting the hot dog away. A girl after my own heart there ;) x

  8. Rosie....
    The first thing I bought for Blythe was a Chanel hadbag. A girl has to have standards - even if you are made out of plastic!

    Put it this way - if she had control over her bank account she would have at least 5 Chanel handbags already!

  9. Great pics :)
    Love how in the hotdog one you can just see Sonny looking a bit like, What, I don't get ANY?!

  10. Awwww I love your take on this. It must have been mad seeing your little girl on the cover of a magazine. Gorgeous.

  11. Fabulous take on this week's theme. I love her wrath! Wouldn't want to be dealing with it mind...looks a bit scary!

  12. Fabulous! Love the first photo - Daddy better watch out!

  13. Brilliant photos, congrats to your girly for being on a magazine, thats a great acheivement!

  14. She is so gorgeous, as I have mentioned before. By the way,how did you get her on the magazine cover? Any tips? Would love to get my Isabelle on one too ;)

  15. Gorgeous!! Love the Blythe dolls, they look so innocent.

    CJ xx

  16. Brilliant, lovely post :0) Being a fellow mom (mummy of model) I can relate to the cute Annabel Karmel photographs, she looks so cute. Am waiting to see if my monkey has made it to print in a magazine that one can only get down south, he looked lovely in the shots they took of him. Think bowler hat and braces.
    :0) Thanks for the twitter mentions.

    Hugs X

  17. What's scaring me is that I have all that to come...! (never heard of Blythe - oh help!). Great pictures

  18. 7 sins for THE perfect little girl
    lucky you !

  19. Awwwwwwwwwww give her bigs cuddles from me. I love that first picture xx

  20. What a gorgeous girl - and a good appetite too by the look of no.7! Lovely pics x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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