Sunday, 20 June 2010

The CyberMummy Gallery Get your pics in....

I've spent a cheeky couple of hours with my buddies on Twitter tonight.... which has been fab. I have to say that I have missed all of you guys. But there I was minding my own business when I realised that I really needed to get around to contacting all of the amazing entries into this weeks very special CyberMummy The Gallery.
There have been some truly amazing and inspirational entries but in order to make Tara's virtual gallery into the real life CyberMummy exhibition I need high res copies of your pics.
You don't have to submit if you don't want to..... and you don't have to be coming to CyberMummy to enter.
But if you do want to take part you need to email me with your pic. Please use the email link at the top of the page and be sure to include the following information.

Your Name
Your Blog Name
Your blog URL
Will you be at CyberMummy?

And that's it..... Last stipulation is that I need all of this info by Thursday 24/6/10.
Thank you so much for taking part.... I can't wait to see the real exhibition - and if you missed mine.. it is here..... and also here...
If you have any problems emailing - or have any questions please just leave a comment and I'll come back to you.


  1. email, info and photo sent, thank you for organising it!! x

  2. I is not taking part in the CM exhibition :D

  3. Done, hopefully it all comes through ok. Thanks, I'm looking forward to it all.

  4. I have a problem with using the email icon so my details are:

    Heather Davis
    Eggs, cream and honey
    Yes I will be at cybermummy


  5. I'll email you, but was just wondering how high res do you need them?

  6. All done and hope it arrives in high enough res.

  7. All done, I can't use the email icon either so I've emailed you from my Yahoo account. Please let me know if you don't receive it- it's been a bugger recently. Thanks in advance. Xx

  8. Done - I hope it's high enough res.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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