Sunday, 4 July 2010

Your words are needed...

I'm still on my way home from the conference but I've already seen lots of posts popping up as you all begin to share your experiences of CyberMummy.
I know that I don't want to miss a single word or a single picture that you have to say - so I've set up this Linky.
If you post please do pop back here and add your link.

I'm going to put my feet up for the evening and soak in the whole experience of CyberMummy in your words.
As I said yesterday... thank you so much for making the conference the special day that it was for everyone.
And if you haven't already voted for me in the Simple search.... I would appreciate it if you did. Just pop over using this link.
Breast pads for all those that do - courtesy of our great CyberMummy sponsors Asda.


  1. I wrote this rambly post yesterday while I was there and on the way home. Thank you for such a great day, it was lovely to briefly meet you shame there wasn't time to talk to everyone properly!

  2. Mine is just random thoughts as I'm too tired/hungover to make my brain work!!!! I'll try and write a post that does convey the awesomeness that was CyberMummy! Can't wait for next year!! x

  3. Lovely day, well done for doing such an amazing job. Hope you enjoyed the run through of the prize draw with those super organised events people! x

  4. I know it's been said many time before Sian, but such a great job done by all.
    By far the standout of that day for me was the wonderfully inclusive, excitable atmosphere which made me feel proud to be part of the blogosphere.
    We will meet again my friend, we will we will we will x

  5. Aw, you people will have me in tears again! I should be thanking all of you. Especially those of you who have supported me through the last few weeks. You know who you are. I couldn't have done it without you.

  6. I voted so will be waiting for my boob pads. lol


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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