Thursday, 2 December 2010

CyberMummy Needs You!

The CyberMummy11 site is just about to go live - but before it does we need your help. We would love to feature some real comments and feedback from last years conference and each comment that we use will link back to your blog.
Want to help?

Just leave your feedback / comment on this post - with your blog link and we'll do the rest.


  1. Cybermummy 2010 was a brilliant gathering of amazing bloggers who laughed, learned and shared. I would argue that every blogger came away feeling revitalised and renewed and a part of a very supportive and caring community.

    :) Karin

  2. As someone new to Mommy blogging CyberMummy was an amazing way to get my foot in the door and learn from seasoned Mummy bloggers.

    I made amazing PR contacts that helped me expand my reviews and launch my blog to a whole new audience.

  3. I loved Cybermummy 2010.
    The people.
    The excitement.
    The shrieks and the giggles.
    The sense of occassion.
    The inspiring speakers.
    The tears at the keynotes.

    The realisation that there was a whole community out there, people to learn from, and more importantly, to care about.

    (Oh, and winning a Kodak PlaySport. And having the opportunity to share some of my knowledge of legal issues with other bloggers)

  4. I confess I was very sceptical about Cybermummy 2010.
    I wasn't going to go.
    I am SO glad I did.
    I met a whole host of wonderful people and, after years of blogging, the day proved to me just what an amazing place the blogging community really is.
    I cannot WAIT for Cybermummy 2011

  5. Cybermummy 2010 was an amazing experience. I still can't quite believe I got and read in front of everyone. It is a day I will never forget!

    Bring on Cybermummy 2011 New Mummy

  6. Cybermummy 2010 was not just an unforgetable experience, but also very emotional for me as I finally met the people I have daily conversaitons with or read their blogs.

    One of the best events I have ever been to ;)


  7. Cybermummy 2010 was the mummy blogging social event of the year!

  8. As someone new to blogging I was not sure what to expect from Cybermummy2010. What I got was far and away more than I could have hoped for. A day packed full of informative seminars, like minded women, sponsor companies and inspirational speakers ! My only regret is that I did not talk to more people and that I had to leave early. I really, really hope to be back again next year.

  9. Braved it, learned it, loved it and want more! Roll on Cybermummy 2011

  10. For me Cybermummy was the chance to meet so many of the wonderful, talented women whose blogs I'd long admired, to catch up with friends, to listen to some wonderful speakers and to have some great craic. Loved every minute of it. I look forward to meeting lots of you at Cybermummy 2011!

  11. Cybermummy, for me, was the chance to meet the faces behind the blogs. It's completely changed blogging for me as I now feel part of a real community. It's no longer just about blog names, it's about real people, and Cybermummy has done that.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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