Thursday, 5 May 2011

CyberMummy - Only 7 Weeks Away!

Every time I see my blog my heart takes a little leap as I see the days to CyberMummy11 counting down. We have a great line up, some brilliant sponsors and we are honoured that Sarah Brown will be delivering the keynote.
The chatter on Twitter is great fun to watch and I'm loving all the 'What are you wearing to CyberMummy?' tweets. There's been talk of fancy dress, big hats, moustaches, maxi dresses and bacon but rest assured it's a casual day - just wear whatever makes you comfortable.
If you aren't already adorning your blog with a CyberMummy badge, get one now using the code in the sidebar so that you can start making new friends before the big day.

So, what are you wearing? I could do with some inspiration myself!

If you're not sure how to add the badge, tweet me @mummytips or pop me an email and I'll give you a hand.
See you in.... 50 days!


  1. Who has been talking about my moustache? *books waxing*

  2. Whatever I wear will be baby free. Hurrah

  3. I have been so snowed under with wedding reception planning I haven't had a second to think about what to wear...perhaps same as last year :-)

    Roll on 7 weeks!

  4. Nickie, I couldn't possibly say...
    Northernmum, a fab you day for you..
    Carly - surely you'll be wearing your wedding dress?

  5. 50 days?! How has that come around so fast?! Eeekk! *searches wardrobe*

  6. I can't believe its only 50 days wow!


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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