Monday, 13 June 2011

CyberMummy and Freya Lingerie Competition

CyberMummy is only 11 days away and the final prep is in full swing. We know that there are still lots of people out there who would really like to get their hands on an illusive ticket and thanks to Freya Lingerie, you could still be on your way to the conference that everyone's talking about.

In celebration of the launch of their very first blog, Freya are giving away a CyberMummy ticket and a set of lingerie from their Keisha range to one lucky blogger.

To enter all you need to do is tell me what Freya's new blog is called.
a)  Freya Talk
b) Talk about Freya
c) Fitting Talk

Clue: Visit the Freya Blog to find out. Why not subscribe whilst you are there? 
You can also find Freya Lingerie on Twitter and Facebook.

To enter, please leave a comment on this post. All entries to be posted by midday on Saturday 18th June 2011, CyberMummy is on 25th June 2011. 
This competition is now closed.


  1. The answer is C 'Fitting Talk' : ) *fingers crossed* trying to win the ticket for a desperate friend (and the gorgeous undies for myself!) xx

  2. The blog is called Fitting Talk (and the bras look gorgeous!).

  3. The answer Is C Fitting Talk! And finally lovely bras in bigger sizes! This makes me happy as would winning ! *wink wink*

  4. Hi The blog is called 'Fitting Talk', so C on your list.So desperate to get a Cybermummy ticket now but loving the undies as well..gorgeous!

  5. The answer is C) Fitting Talk

    Would love to win some beautiful lingerie... embarrasingly I am still in my maternity bras nearly 2 years on! The expense of twins just scares me out of spending money on quality things for myself!

  6. Answer c) fitting talk

    Would love to come along to cybermummy, loving the beautiful grundies too!

    Em x

  7. Freya's new blog is Fitting Talk and definitely agree the lingerie is gorgeous!

  8. The answer is Fitting Talk and the lingerie is very pretty!

  9. The answer's c) Fitting Talk.

    I've been a Freya wearer for a while, it's so good to find pretty bras in sizes for people who NEED bras, rather than the industrial scaffolding other companies think we want.

  10. The answer is c fitting talk. Would LOVE to win cybermummy ticket and some gorgeous new undies! Definitely in need of both!

  11. Fitting Talk is the very fitting name of the blog (sorry to post under anonymous but google and wordpress won't work - @annaojbee)

  12. The answer is C Fitting talk, would love to go to cyber mummy and currently wearing a Freya bra (only ones that are big enough for me and pretty to boot)

  13. The answer is C) Fitting Talk. Some new undies for when I finish breastfeeding will be lovely. I'm desperate for a Cybermummy ticket. I need one!

  14. answer - c) Fitting Talk


  15. C) Fitting Talk
    Would love to go to Cybermummy!!!

  16. Freya's new blog is called c) Fitting Talk.

  17. C - Fitting Talk

  18. The answer is C)fitting talk

  19. c)Fitting talk. Fully subscribed and desperate to win a ticket to Cybermummy! Couldn't afford it :(

  20. C) Fitting talk is the answer.

    Lovely blog it looks too and so glad Kerry has joined their team!

    I woudl adore some new undies, what a great incentive for losing some of my weight.

    Cheers, Mich x @michelletwinmum

  21. C-Fitting Talk! If I won I'd donate my ticket to another lovely blogger as I already have one, but I'd keep the lingerie for me :)

  22. c) Fitting Talk (@pandcands on Twitter).

  23. The answer is C, Fitting Talk. Trying to win the ticket to sell on the black market. Nah, trying to win for a friend really - honest! Oooh and a nice new bra for me - they don't come cheap you know! :)

  24. the answer is c, fitting talk

  25. C) Fitting Talk and being a 34F it is SO great to see beautiful bras for the more buxom of us!
    Oh and I am DYING to go to Cybermummy and recently missed out on a ticket as I am stupid

  26. Hi, the answer is C) Fitting Talk and I am a Freya wearer and fan, it's great that there are so many attractive and feminine bras for curvier women these days rather than the frumpy things I had to wear in my teens! I'm also extremely keen to go to Cybermummy and am on their waiting list but unfortunately don't think I'll get a ticket - unless I win one.

  27. C) Fitting Talk

    I'm already going to Cybermummy so would donate the ticket. I want the underwear though!

  28. The answer is C Fitting Talk.

    I love Freya bras and wore their Nursing ones too. Its great they do such pretty designs for larger cup sizes rather than boring and plain ones.

    I am in desperate need of getting re-measured and some new pretty underwear as I have just given up breastfeeding and they are shrinking. Have my fingers crossed I win @wouldliketobe xx

  29. I know I know, pick me pick me ....

    Fitting Talk!

  30. C) Fitting Talk, Fingers crossed!



  31. c) Fitting Talk.
    I thing it is the only answer to go to the cybermummy.The freya wear collection is good.


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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