Saturday, 9 July 2011

Top Mummy Bloggers... and a new I Went to CyberMummy11 badge

Not quite sure how this happened  but I'm happy to take praise when it's given.

I think that I'm supposed to hustle votes but if I'm honest, making the shortlist just blows me away anyway.

I've crammed so much into the last twelve months, and I'm really proud to have been a part of it all.  I've made some amazing new friends... the ones that don't come along with great regularity, they know who they are.

And there was CyberMummy10, BlogHer10 with @Cosmicgirlie, #Blogladesh,  #UNsummitNYC, meeting my real life hero @nickkristof, winning the BMB Brilliance in Blogging 2010, Make A Difference Blogger award, seeing my beautiful daughters make their TV debut on Annabel's  Kitchen on CITV, winning the Bloganthropy blogger of the month, Yan's first collection going into Harrods, going to Downing Street with Save the Children and of course CyberMummy11.

See, it's been a pretty amazing year. If you do feel inclined, click on the picture below to get to the Loved By Parents voting page.

Thanks for all your amazing support, Blogladesh and CyberMummy wouldn't be the successes that they are without you people behind me.


  1. You're SO having my vote - utterly inspiring xx

  2. erm....tried the link thingy to put on my VERY amateur blog, but it won't upload!! I'm such a numnut!!

  3. Dear Mummy in M... you are on wordpress? I can email it as an image file - will be easier for you.

  4. Good luck Sian - you really deserve it x

  5. Congrats on making the shortlist! Good luck!

    Thank you for the badge :) xx

  6. You don't even need luck, gorgeous lady, but I'll send some anyway.

    n the form of a large snog. x

  7. I couldn't be up against a better blogger!!! You thoroughly deserve the accolade.... Rushes off to pay people to vote for me!!!

  8. Congratulations and good luck xx

  9. Baby Genie..

    I already voted for you sweetheart. I always thought you had it.. and then I saw that vid...

    nuff said. x

  10. Good luck you have done amazing things hope you do well xx

  11. well done you, very inspiring (and making me feel exhausted at the thought)! Off to vote now x


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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