Friday 27 August 2010

Nearly there...

This time tomorrow I'll be heading to London. We have an early flight on Sunday morning so Josie and I are staying over at the airport hotel and meeting up with Eva at check in.
I'm so behind with all the things that I need to get sorted and I still haven't packed so I'll make this brief!
On behalf of all of us I wanted to say a massive thank you to CyberMummy sponsors Kodak for supplying us with a Zi8 HD cam each. Because of their generosity and support we'll be able to bring you daily video updates of our time in Bangladesh.

We had another piece of coverage yesterday. This time in my local paper the Leicester Mercury.
You can read the full article here
Thanks to everyone who has supported our campaign - but please don't forget what it's all about. We need signatures on our petition.
You can follow our movements around Bangladesh with this super cool Mummy Blogger tracking map over on the Everyone Asia Site.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Tara Cain who has themed this week's The Gallery in our support. All you have to do to take part is take a photograph on Sunday this week. Simple isn't it? Head over to her blog for full information.
And another thank you - this time to the people at Kustomise who generously made these rain poncho's for us.


  1. All the best for what lies ahead. We are all going with you in spirit.

  2. The Zi8 is really easy to use and my battery hasn't died yet. It comes with a European and UK adapter (don't know what they use in Asia).

    Best of luck on your journey. I look forward to hearing about your trip and am going to blog about it on Sunday.

    Do you know if signtaures have to be from UK citizens only?

  3. Melaina,
    Not sure about the signature. Why dont you pop by and check it out. I'm really looking forward to trying the Zi8 out.

  4. I am also supporting an orphanage and lost child helping center. I am happy to see your spirit and would like to tell you keep it up and keep doing this. God bless you


Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Appreciated as always. xx


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