Monday, 31 October 2011

Big Brother is Watching You...

It's true! And in a shocking turn of events, this time Big Brother turns out to be none other than the pint sized pop diva Lady Ga Ga.

For she has taken on and effectively gagged Hoxton based Mind Candy, creators of the globally successful Moshi Monsters from 'promoting, advertising, selling, distributing or otherwise making available to the public any musical work or video which purports to be performed by a character by the name of Lady Goo Goo, or which otherwise uses the name Lady Goo Goo or any variant thereon.'

If your children aren't into Moshi Monsters, you probably won't have a clue what I'm talking about but as the parent of three hardcore 'Moshettes' this story is nothing short of a scandal.

Gaga's lawyers claimed that children might not be able to tell GooGoo from Gaga. Yes seriously.

On the left we have Moshling Lady GooGoo, a dummy toting, nappy wearing inhabitant of the Moshi Monsters world. On the right we have Lady GaGa, a pop star who makes headlines by wearing dresses made from meat and recently announced that her alter ego is a panda.

Yep.... easy to see how my daughters might get them mixed up.

The success of Moshi Monsters should be applauded not dragged through the mud in this way. Their site is educational, safe and fun. It brings my children together as they work through puzzles and missions to gain access to new and exciting Moshlings. Together as a team, no other game they play does that.

At the risk of confusing you parents too I feel that I should point out that the video clip below is of the Moshling Lady GooGoo singing the offending Moshi Dance that sparked the controversy and has nothing at all to do with the American singer Lady GaGa. OK?

My girls meeting the REAL McNaulty (and his mummy).

Watch out Moshi Monsters - if Lady GaGa's alter ego is a Panda, perhaps Shishi's next on her list!

Top of my girls Christmas list is the new Moshi Monsters Moshling Zoo game for Nintendo DS. out on 11/11/11, you can pre order your copy from amazon now!
We shall not be deterred. Moshi Monsters rocks!

1 comment:

  1. Loving the new header lady! Moshi-fever hasn't hit our house yet but can't wait until it does!


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