Friday, 30 April 2010

Celeb look-a-likey!

Due to some random web surfing today I came across this fab app that you just have to try. It's from My and it's just a bit of fun but if got me sucked in good and proper! It is a face recognition app that tells you which celebs you look like and it is classic.
So here are mine... as you can see I got a tad carried away - but it is so addictive!
So this is me now....
I'm not too peeved to look like any of those ladies....
But what about the blog me..... my Blythe girl Amy Lee?
So she resembles a man! OK but on the upside who doesnt want to look like the beautiful Audrey Tautou?
Now I'm on a roll....
This is a brown haired me...... OK so it was taken about nine years ago but that was the very last time I saw my natural colour! Still feeling good that I have a super model in there.
Natural next move was to Model Girl...
Wow 90%.... perhaps she's Renne Zellweger's secret love child!
And FunnyGirl.....
Dear me... Charlotte Church..... lets hope she can sing like her!

So friends.... I challenge you.... and to get the ball rolling I'm tagging Claire at The Good, the bad and the ugly, Karin at Cafebe and Kat at Housewife Confidential

Pop over to the My Heritage site and create your own celeb collage, post it on your blog and then pop back here to add your addition to the Linky....
I can't wait to see who you all look like!

The alternative election race

The lovely Suzie at Twisted Twee just sent me this fab twist on the election race. The perfect solution for all of those hung voters!
Don't forget to pop by her web store to pick up your very own election pants and other twisted gear!

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

I want that poncho and I want it now.....

My addiction to blogging and tweeting has been well documented - but I have one more of my addictions to share and in honesty..... I don't actually think I have told anyone about this.
I can't do the shoe thing... so my fashion addiction (apart from handbags) is the humble poncho.
I feel better already...
Now I have been tracking a super fab poncho that I spotted in a pic on the wall of our local H&M. I stood underneath and marveled at its utter perfection and set about finding this lustful delight only to be told...
"oohhhh...... no sorry - that's from the Trend Collection, London, Birmingham or Manchester only....."
I left peacefully and warm in the knowledge that I could take a detour past Oxford Circus when I was in London the next day.
I arrived full of eager excitement.....
"Sorry, we have just sold the last one... try Regent Street.."
 So I raced down Regent Street as fast as my little legs would carry me.....
"We had a couple when we opened this morning - but do you know what? I think we sold them both.... try Kensington."
And so this little game continued - through all seven of H&M stores around the west end.
I went home deflated, defeated. I wanted that poncho, I loved it. I would care for it, fold it and put it neatly away.... but it was not to be..
I mourned and deduced that the only way to overcome my grief was to find a better poncho. I would show H&M!
And then..... as if by magic and in true Mr Ben style I saw a post from a fellow blogger about this Casha delight.
All thoughts of H&M and their cheap acrylic knit went out of the window. I had found my true love (and in black).... did I say a girl can never have too many black poncho's?
I took out my credit card, paid and prayed for fast delivery. The next day it arrived beautifully packaged. Wrapped and boxed - did I tell you how much I like boxes?!
Soft and snuggly, light and warm. I fell in love instantly and my H&M hell was a thing of the past.
I have at least ten poncho's - so I do know what I am talking about here. My problem was that I never felt that I had one for all occasions - until now. My search for Mr Right (Poncho) is finally over - the poncho that ticks all of my boxes.
Black. Warm on a cool day. Cool on a warm day but most importantly it is so compact that it fits inside my Chanel 2.55! Sheer perfection.
I do have one slight issue - and that is that they don't do a children's size. I would love these for my girls and then they might stop stealing mine.....
Casha 100% pure cashmere poncho £130 available in black, beige and grey

Monday, 26 April 2010

The Gallery.... week 9

Geez Tara Cain...... she doesn't like to make it easy for us does she? My problem with this week's The Gallery theme was the sheer volume of possibles that I had to submit.
Where do you begin?
So I kind of cheated.... I went for one of my fav pics that i have ever taken and also a newbie that I took last week.

Firstly..... this is Jerry. He was my kitty before my mini brood came along. he was a Singapoura. Rare - very small and super cute.
and me..... I feel quite dark and shady right now....and I wish my legs were really that long..

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Are we poisoning our children

I've just read a really interesting post over on Diary of a First Child about what is actually contained in that little bottle of pink gooey stuff known as Calpol. It got me thinking about other things that we don't think twice about as parents and I thought that I should share this with you too.
I first came across this story ten years ago when I was doing some research for a press release  - and what I found really scared me. I'm talking Bisphenol-A (BPA).

As a chemical BPA is widely used in the making of polycarbonate bottles, plastic food and drink packaging even though it is known to cause neurological and hormonal damage to animals. 
But did you know that it is used in the manufacture of baby feeding bottles and cups too? 
I know that I certainly didn't.

As adults we will all contain levels of BPA - we were contaminated a long time ago but because of their body weight, children and babies in particular are far more susceptible to adverse affects from chemical exposures than adults, even at very low doses.

So think about the bottle or cup that your child drinks from. Did you know that manufacturers recommend that you replace then every four to five months? 
I know that I didn't know that.

Did you know that when you heat a baby bottle, as many parents do to warm formula or breast milk, potentially dangerous levels of BPA leach into the liquid? 

Did you know that if your feeding bottles are scratched due to cleaning that the leaching of the chemicals is worse?
Of course you didn't because manufacturers don't have to list the chemical make up of their products - and we as consumers just presume that they are safe to use.

Two years ago San Francisco became the first American state to ban the sale of baby feeding bottles that contain Bisphenol-A and then Canada followed their lead. Since then the debate has escalated as the US media uncovered the story that the baby bottle manufacturers have tried to keep hidden.

While industry leaders continue to defend the use of BPA, it has been linked by scientists to cancers, impaired immune function, early onset of puberty, obesity, diabetes, hyperactivity and possibly autism. 

I have followed this story with interest and have secured a few national articles on it over the last ten years but to a certain extent it is still looked upon as scare mongering. I was even told by one leading baby magazine editor that they wouldn't feature it because they didn't want to scare their readers.....
That doesn't wash with me and I interpret that as them not wanting to upset their advertisers whose products are rife with BPA.

Things are beginning to change though as earlier this month the National Childbirth Trust (NCT) stood up to be counted and called for companies to stop using BPA in the manufacturing of their baby bottles and environmentalists are calling for clearer labeling by manufacturers whose baby products contain BPA, so that parents can make an informed decision before purchasing equipment that could pose a potential long term danger to their child.

So I urge you to check your bottles. Go to the manufacturers websites and find out what their bottles are made from. There are more and more companies moving away from BPA use including Price Lionheart, Mebby and bibi. Or ditch the plastic altogether and go for glass bottles. They are much stronger than you think. I used Green Baby with all of my children - and in fact I didn't have to replace them and used the same set of bottles with all three. Mebby also do a really good wide neck glass bottle that is just as user friendly as your regular bottle.
Mebby produce a BPA free range of Gentlefeed baby bottles made from chemical free Polyether Sulfone (PES), an innovative medical grade plastic that is honey coloured, hygienic and unbreakable. Mebby bottles are available in three sizes 150ml, 250ml and 280ml and feature an anti-colic silicone teat.

Monday, 19 April 2010

The Gallery...... 7 Deadly Sins

Well I have to admit she got me thinking this week...... I left it too long to see what the prompt was to stage the shoot that I really wanted to do. So instead I decided to focus on ModelGirl. My first baby girl.... after two boys I was desperado for a girl and here she is in all her glory....
When grumpy...... not to be crossed
It is a rare site these days - but when she was a baby her nickname was Spam
.... she would eat absolutely anything...
Still a bit scabby from her chicken pox
It is a proud day to see your daughter on the cover of a magazine...
"You and Blythe both have a Chanel handbag.... why can't I?"
Because you are 8.
My daughter has legs like barbie oops.... Blythe
She did actually eat the whole darn hot dog
Tara.... thank you once again for making me delve and re discover.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

This is serious (but not about the Wonder Pets...)

Well actually I could do with The Wonder Pets right now....
Here's the thing......
I entered a competition on the new Virgin vtravelled blog to win a place on an amazing press trip to NYC. You know you do these things - enter and think... what the hell I don't stand a chance of winning....
Today - I've spent the whole day head down and working like a dog. Interview written up. Press release written. Images sent. Another press release written. 
I have resisted the lure of Twitter (well not completely, but then I am officially an addict as you know). I have resisted the lure of this weeks Gallery over at the lovely Tara Cain's. I have only consumed one packet of Fruit Gums and one packet of Sur Sild fish (brought back from Oslo and yummy). I have not moaned (much) just got on with it.
Before checking my email I decide to pop over to Twitter and I see this......

Now I never win anything... I am just not a lucky person but OMG when I saw this I was so excited that I nearly peed my pants.

I'm not adverse to begging when the time is right - and i do believe that time has come. So please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please........ vote for me.

You can find all of the voting info on the fabulous vtravelled blog (see vtravlled people.... i'm bigging you up already!). But basically all you need to do is Tweet this.....  
I vote for @mummytips to win #vblogger

Quite rightly there are a few rules to adhere to...
You can only nominate one blogger. Multiple tweets for the same blogger will not be counted. Re-tweeted votes will not be counted. If you have a protected Twitter account, your vote will not be counted. 
But please do vote and ask your Twitter friends if they will vote too. If I get to NYC I promise to keep my room tidy and do the washing up and ironing for the rest of my life. xx

And if you wanted to follow vtravelled on Twitter... you can find them @vtravelled that way if they do have another amazing comp like this - you would be one of the first to know.

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Kids have clown feet

Yesterday morning just as we were all about to file in to the car for school, Model girl announces that her school shoes are too small. great timing I am thinking and yes if i was a better mother I would have had everything ship shape, checked out and ready for the new school term - but I am clearly not living up to even my own usual standards.
Now I know that her fav black patent DM boots are also too tight and they are the only other pair of black shoes that she owns. So white trainers and a note to the teacher apologising for being a bad mother is what I opt for - along with the promise of a new pair of shoes for the following day.
The kids pile in off the school bus and after inspecting Sonny's shoes I tell him he's coming too.
We go off to Clarke's and ModelGirl gets her feet measured. She had been wearing a size 13. Newly measured she is a size 2! A size 2..... I can't quite believe it. She is 8.
Now already having one boy with huge feet I wasn't hoping for a dainty number from the other side of the room. Sonny aged 9 new size 3 1/2.
Now I don't know about the rest of you but I think that kids today have huge feet. They seem to be turning into a nation of clowns.
Then I popped over to Babyrambles site to leave my height for the chart that she is putting together and I thought why not add to what she is doing by compiling a shoes size chart too?
I am a seemingly dainty size 5... and at the rate my kids are going they will be stealing my shoes in approx 12 months!
Leave your shoe size in a comment before April 21st, I'll compile the list and also send out a surprize gift to one random reader.
Please state the obvious.... ie if you are male or female..... and shoe sizes can be in any format - as long as you state which measurement you are using.
For example... I am a UK size 5 or a euro size 38.
Please do take part - the more info the better the chart....

The Gallery...... Joy

I have been thinking this week's The Gallery over all weekend, trying to pull out happy bits of my life. I've settled on this picture taken on my wedding day.
I had at this point spend many year battling with depression and on top of that trying to make my life and my body work in a way that I wanted them to. 
Then I met Yan. I knew the moment that I set my eyes on him that I was going to marry him. I didn't tell him right there and then.... unsure of how to throw into the PR pitch I was giving but things did move pretty quickly and less than a year after our first meeting we were married.
I have to say that he is the most amazing person that I have ever met. He puts up with all of my tears and tantrums (there are many), he loves me, supports me and guides me. He has given me the three most beautiful children and I don't know who or what I would be without him.
My Joy.....

Monday, 12 April 2010


I feel really sad that Yan has had to go it totally alone with his collection but every time he has a shoot or an interview we can't find anyone to look after the children.
It's an on going theme and on the lat day of school before the Easter holiday he was asked to give a presentation for the iconic Sketchbook magazine at their pop up store in London. 
Had the children not been finishing early and if Betty hadn't had a dance rehearsal then I would have been able to accompany him. But it's just the two of us - with no family to fall back on.
But I have just come across this editorial about his presentation and I feel so proud that I wanted to share it with you all.

Full collection images can be seen on Yan's site

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Ready for Ten Spring meme part 2

Model Girl joins the Ready For Ten Spring meme.....

This is a fab meme..... and you don't have to vlog it.

My Name is Sian and I am an addict....

I found this out at approx 6pm this evening but don't worry.... I'm OK.
This morning I was interviewed  for a mag feature by a fellow blogger (who is clearly an addict herself..... though I am mentioning no names.....) about my excessive time spent on line. 
We had a great chat about blogging, tweeting, family, life, friends.... real ones - you know the ones that you see having bad fashion and days as apposed to my tweeting / blogging freaky pals that sit at their computers all day... unwashed and in their PJ's. Yes - that's you...... and you..... and you.....

Post conversation I went about the rest of my day..... did you know that I wasn't working today? That I was actually standing firm.... ramming my ears full of cotton wool.... turning my music up real loud so that I couldn't hear the call of my G4......("ooohhhh..... you have a million need to read them....and look at all of these people on Twitter trying to talk to you...")

and my iphone.... "check your Twitter stream, check your Twitter stream, check your Twitter stream, check your Twitter stream......."

and my Blackberry..... email, email, email, email, email... shit that thing blinks so much it could actually give me a migraine.
But I'm strong.... (well not really but I do pop my iphone on my speakers and hit switch to plane mode so that I can dance to Hannah Montanna with the girls..., and leave my Blackberry in my bag so that I don't think I am in a 70's disco.....

That's good right? No one can call me??....
And I forgot to pay the phone bill....... AGAIN..... so the home phone is saying N-O-T-H-I-N-G.......

And I am so not listening to my iphone / mac / blackberry.... seriously... I can do this.

I make dinner.
They eat.
We clean the kitchen.
Hubby takes the bambino's to swimming club. 

They reverse out the drive and I am on my puter in a nano second....... That's OK right? normal.... not the sign of an addict? 

I felt serene as I checked my email, took big calm deep breath's.... replied to a couple of comments on my blog and then switched to my Twitter window...
(Gasps, gasps again, checks the time..... 6.13pm and pours wine)....
My nice, blogging journo had tweeted to tell me that the Harley Street Dr with whom she had spoken about me this afternoon had diagnosed me as an addict!

Of course I re tweeted and added to my Facebook profile as soon as I heard ....I feel proud... so if there is anyone out there that would like to help me cure my addiction...... you know where I am!
In there meantime I cannot see a better opportunity than this for passing on a badge of honor.....
I give you Tweeters Anonymous..... xx Feel free to add the badge!
I am an addict

Friday, 9 April 2010

The Ready For Ten April meme

I'm loving the new Ready For Ten site and when I saw this meme - I knew that we had to step up with a vlog entry...... well two really.

So first up we have she who is known as FunnyGirl - she is six and funny. The questions that I asked her are at the end of the post - just incase you would like to join in this fab meme. Do be sure to add your post to the McKlinky back over at Ready For Ten though.....

1. How does the world change in the spring?
2. Lots of babies are born in the spring. Where do you think baby animals are born?
3. What did mummy do before you were born?
4. Spring is a good time to play outside. If you and mummy could spend a whole day playing outside, doing anything you want, what would it be?
5. Did you know we moved the clocks forward onto British Summer Time? Why do you think we do this?
6. How long is it until summer?

Thursday, 8 April 2010

The Gallery...... Ugly part 2

This is for the beautiful Susan K Mann in response to her addition to this week's The Gallery. It got me thinking about the ugly scar on my back. Just one of the many left overs from my battle with PND.

Bring on that drunken scar comp.....

Monday, 5 April 2010

The Gallery...... Ugly

Well Ms Cain really did pull it out of the bag this week....  but I have had this pic in my mind since I read her prompt.
I have a sister. We have never really seen eye to eye and now in reality we have no relationship at all. I bumped into her a couple of days ago and she commented that she liked my blonde hair. I replied that it had been this way for more than two years....
I have never really had a relationship with her. She is seven years older than me and of middle child syndrome (her not me). For half of my life I wanted nothing more than her attention, her acknowledgement, her time of day. I have a very strong memory of the summer when I was seven years old. My parents were both working full time and my fourteen year old sister was charged with my care.
She left home every morning at around 9am and returned at around 3pm - with a bag of penny sweets to buy my silence. 
It was a long and lonely holiday fueled by a diet of Salad Cream sandwiches and threats.
To be fair, we never really made it past that summer. Come the new school term I saw her smoking with her friends and duly reported her to our parents. There was no going back. The future for us included; broken bones (mine, when she kicked me), resentment (me having a baby before her), joy (hers at me being told that I would spend the rest of my life in a wheel chair), anger (hers at me not listening to the medical experts and getting on my feet again), abandonment (both of ours, as we realised there is no place in our lives for each other).

This picture has always troubled me. I  think it's really ugly and as my girls grow I see and feel their fractious relationship every single day. Here it is in it's infancy.
If I could ask for one thing of my girls it would be that they love, cherish, honor and support each other above all things. I truly hope that they can have the relationship that I wish I had with my own sister.

Update... 7/04/10
Hello sisters of choice....

Thank you for your kind words. When I wrote this it made me feel kind of alive  for having shared but now following all the comments and tweets I re read and started really bawling!

I do wish that I had a sister - a real sister and not someone that was just after a part of me but I have learned recently that we can create our own family... Isn't that what you do when you get married anyway?
So here I would like to stand tall and say a very big THANK YOU to the sisters that have stood by me. Some of them new, some of them not so. 

Kirsty (eek, you were well and truly at the coal face and I will never forget that you had to tell my mum).
Nat (my first Twitster... god only knows how we first bonded over Stokke!).
Claire Bear (no words needed.....apart from gin, beer, champers, wine, 7pm).
Tara (we are yet to meet...though my dream says you are going to punch me... I forgive you).
Jo (she who is not a blogger, who shares most of my 'spare' time.. you are a very beautiful person... yes... you. See you on Saturday xx).
Rosie ( you are the beautiful blonde Blythe sister of my dreams.... what more can I say?).
Josie (we have been to the same place and returned).

I Love Rosie... It's true...

Me.... I'm not a winner..... and I didn't do anything even slightly spectacular to be recognised in this way... but I have been.... so there. 
Thank you, thank you, thank you to the great Rosie Scribble.... when I grow up (even though I am probably old enough to be her mother..) I want to be just like her.... pink bunches and all.....
She has bestowed on me the Kreative Blogger Award (though i'm thinking it should be called he Kreative speller award....). 
So in order to adorn my blog I have to share seven previously unsaid facts about me.....

I love Art Deco.... Clarice Cliff pottery in particular. I bought my first piece when I was just fifteen at an auction, the auction's catalogue was questioning the pieces authenticity. I knew it wasn't fake, begged my dad to stump up the £40 it went for. It was later valued at £600.

I was in National Youth Ballet and National Youth Dance.
I have a fascination with murderers..... My bookshelves make interesting reading.....
I collect Ladybird books. I have over 3500 (at last count).
I would move to Thailand in an instant. 
I get traumatised every time I enter a shoe shop.
I have also had dinner with  Gladiator.... and I'm keeping schtum too!

I now have to pass the award onto seven other bloggers who can take up the following challenge, if they wish:

  1. Copy the award to your blog
  2. Insert a link to the person who nominated me
  3. Tell you seven things about myself that I haven’t told you before
  4. Nominate seven other bloggers for the award
  5. Link to their blogs
  6. Tell the nominees about their award
So I am passing the buck awarding this amazing award to......

Thursday, 1 April 2010

The new Stokke® Xplory®

On the whole I love my job. I get to travel, meet lots of different people, advise them on how to get their ideas to market and to support them right through the process.
Then I have my big accounts and the passion that I have for them is every inch as consuming as it is for my start ups.
I've just come back from a few days at the UK's biggest nursery trade show in Harrogate. I spent time with all of my clients, met with ad reps and journalists, drank and ate (don't get me started on the Soft Shell Crab from the best restaurant in Harrogate!).
This years show had an added element for me as it was my big Stokke® press reveal and the culmination of months and months of preparation for the whole Stokke® team.
As you know I don't often harp on about my own clients products but I love this so much that I just cannot help myself.
People of the blogosphere....... I bring you the new Stokke® Xplory®.......
Inside Xplory's new super slick, uber cool exterior you still get all of the stuff that made me fall head over heels with Xplory® when it launched back in 2003. I was one lucky mummy back then. Brought on board to launch this revolutionary stroller in the UK, I was already a Stokke® mum through and through. 
FunnyGirl slept in her Sleepi and each of my little ones had Tripp Trapp's. I walked away from my first meeting with my new clients with one of the very first Stokke® Xplory's in the UK.
I loved it with all my heart - and for a self confessed pushchair geek that is pretty hardcore. My Xplory® love has never died and despite the odd couple of things that I might of modified if given the chance I wouldn't have given it up for the world.

Then I saw the new version......
It took my breath away (in a sad geeky kind of way). I got excited.... really excited... the new curved form of the footrest with it's new single handed operation. The soft ready assembled bright new fabrics that encapsulated the seat to make it feel like a welcoming cocoon. An extra large hood with a pop away visor offers more protection from the elements and no messy fabrics hanging from the opened hood.
Did I mention the shopping basket? Seriously..... there was nothing wrong with it before. I know from personal experience that you could get four pairs of boxed new shoes in there and still have room for a trip around Selfridges... But now it's even bigger.
A new sling style changing bag that attaches easily from the chassis no matter which way your seat is facing and a celebrity blanket that poppers on to the hood eliminating the need for the manky muslin square that adorns way too many strollers  (in my humble geeky capacity) and a snazzy new red brake completes the new Rider board modified chassis (did I tell you I named the Rider board??!! Of course I did... proudest pr moment!).
Of course all of the strollers original innovative features remain. All the seat positions, forward and rearward facing, seat up and down and the super cool two wheel function. Giving you a stroller so totally fab that I'm thinking that I'm going to need a new baby.
That is just the standard stroller though.... there are extras.....
But I think I'm going to keep you waiting for a few more days to tell you about them! That is the PR in me.... sorry!
The new Stokke® Xplory® is available in the UK from the end of April. For those of you who already own an Xplory® and have the needing torturous urge to upgrade, new seat units are available to buy and they will fit onto your existing chassis.
The beautiful new colours are, beige, red, blue, purple, green and dark navy.
For prices etc... pop over to the official Stokke UK blog


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