Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Free Business Cards from for CyberMummy11

I've been a MOO fan for a couple of years. I love the unique size of their mini cards and the reaction that they get every single time you hand one out. They can be used for just about anything; business cards, product tags, mummy cards, gift tags or even to create a design showcase.
Biba even has a set to give out to her friends showcasing some of the photography from her blog.

Business cards are a MUST for any type of conference and the very lovely people at are offering each and every CyberMummy11 attendee the chance to order 50 FREE business cards (as pictured below - you just pay the £3 postage and packaging).
You can choose up to 50 different images to display on your cards using MOO's Printfinity technology. Use pics from your blog, pics of you, text, logo or anything that captures your style. 
Each of your FREE MOO Business Cards will come with a CyberMummy11 watermark so that there's no forgetting where your card was picked up.
To claim your FREE cards visit the CyberMummy11 Moo page.

Please rest assured that I'm not being all CyberMummy-ist here as I have another non conference related offer to share with you later this week.
Do you already use cards to promote your blog? Or mummy cards as an easy way to share your details at nursery or in the school playground? Would love to hear your thoughts.

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

Annabel's Kitchen Daily on CITV!

During the February half term break I travelled to Ireland with my girls so that they could film a couple of episodes of Annabel Karmel's new TV show.
It was a great experience for them, they worked really hard and had lots of fun with the new friends that they made.

Here they are on set doing their first read through.

And their first take!

Annabel's Kitchen is a refreshing new kids cookery show that takes you and your children on a culinary journey of exploration and delight. Annabel is joined by comic puppet penguins Jimmy and Pearl and a host of children who come to help her cook.

There are 30 shows in the run and I'll be sure to shout when I know when my girls are on but until then set your Sky +, sit back and enjoy the eleven minute show at 3.30pm from Monday to Friday on CITV and weekends at 7.10am on ITV1.

A very big 'thank you' to Annabel for inviting us to the pre screening event last weekend. We all had a great time and we'll be vlogging our attempt at creating her Watermelon Pig as soon as we can get our hands on the ingredients.

Sunday, 17 April 2011

We Are Xbox Family Ambassadors!!

A few weeks ago (much to the delight of my boys) we became an Xbox Ambassador family.
In our house this is MAJOR.
No1 son was an early adopter, switching to Xbox when it hit the UK in March 2002 and from the day it arrived no other games console saw the light of day.

Our original Xbox console from 2002 is still going strong.

December 2005, just in time for Christmas (and No1's birthday) the new Xbox 360 arrived in the UK. It was sold out with waiting lists everywhere and I had to get my hands on one.

December 2005 People queue to get their hands on a new Xbox 360

I searched and searched and ended up paying way over list price on ebay but at least I had the 360!
That original machine was played and played and played - finally giving up last December just in time for the Christmas Xbox fairy to return!

The beautiful Xbox 360

No1 son's now away at university and Sonny is the new Xbox master. They both have Xbox LIVE and hook up virtually every week for a play date. I love that.

Next week we'll be getting hot and sweaty as we begin our Easter fitness challenge with Your Shape and Kinect. 
We'll be battling it out as a family so stay tuned to see vlog our journey.

For further information about Xbox Family Ambassadors visit the PlaySmartPlaySafe site.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

MummyTips is Innocent Queen of....

I have to say I was quite excited to be one of the 26 bloggers chosen to take part in the Innocent Alphabet Photography challenge, right up until I found out which letter I'd been allocated.
If they'd have asked me which letter I absolutely, totally didn't want it would have been this one.

A family meeting was called. Lots of ideas were thrown around but still we were without our much needed word inspiration. Time was moving.... our photo deadline loomed and we were grasping at straws but still nothing.
We were afraid to leave home without our letter magnet and camera should we miss a spur of the moment opportunity to shine but still nothing.
We were about to admit defeat when our inspiration hit us like a thunderbolt out of the blue. This is how it went....
Me. "How much money have you got in your purse Betty?"
Betty... "Twenty quid."
Biba... "That's it!"
Me, Betty, Sonny... "What?"

Biba... "Quid, Queen.... The Queen of Q!"


So that's your inspiration. Can you beat our pic and steal our title as of Queen of Q?
Pop by the Innocent site for entry details, take out your camera, get creative and you could win a yummy, healthy Innocent hamper.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

Silent Sunday

For Silent Sunday- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, 8 April 2011

Tagged.... Q&A

I just got tagged by one of my bloggy buddies Tara who got tagged by the very lovely Kerry Jean Lister - you get the picture....

Kerry poached these celeb / politician / author Q and A's from The Guardian Weekend mag because she says the answers have the power to reveal the real you whilst helping her to decide if she'd like to go for a pint with you or tell you where to go.
Lets see how I get on...

Which living person do you most admire, and why?
My husband Yan for having the bottle to follow his dream and not giving up.

When were you happiest?
Thailand 2000.

What was your most embarrassing moment?
Too many to mention but being carried out of a 7 year old's roller skating party on a stretcher has to rank pretty high.

Aside from property, what's the most expensive thing you've bought?
A Franck Muller watch for Yan's 40th birthday.

What is your most treasured possession?
My life.

Where would you like to live?
I 'm happy where I am now but Phuket, New York, Hong Kong.

What's your favourite smell?
Washing powder.

Who would play you in the film of your life?
Milla Jovovich, Yan says she looks like me... I wish I looked like her!

What is your favourite book?
Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristoff.

What is your most unappealing habit?

What would be your fancy dress costume of choice?
I don't do fancy dress.....

What is your earliest memory?
Watching Pebble Mill at 1 with my mum after playgroup when I was about 3.

What is your guiltiest pleasure?
Currently Zuma Blitz. I blame my husband, he has me addicted.

What do you owe your parents?
The ability to stand on my own two feet.

To whom would you like to say sorry, and why?
To my No1 son, for nearly leaving him without a mum.

What or who is the greatest love of your life?
My husband. He saved me.

What does love feel like?
Warm, tingly, exciting, scary, bright and brilliant.

What was the best kiss of your life?
The first time I kissed Yan... he was never going to make the first move and so I had to pounce on him!

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?
Just a minute... I seriously say that way too many times in one day and 'STOP FIGHTING!".

What is the worst job you have ever done?
Waiting tables in Swiss Cottage, leicester. I lied about my age to get a Saturday job when I was nearly 13 and i hated every second of it. I looked hot in the chalet girl uniform though... or so I was told!

If you could edit your past, what would you change?
The fact that I took a wrong turn on the way home from Cornwall, got stuck in the worst traffic jam ever and ended up missing the Morrissey gig. I'm still pissed off about that!

What is the closest you have come to death?

What do you consider your greatest achievement?
Proving the doctors wrong and learning to walk again.

When did you last cry and why?
Last week. I don't need a reason - I like a good cry. Clears the air!

How do you relax?
By someone removing all apple devices from my person.

What single thing would improve the quality of your life?
More kittens.

What is the most important lesson life has taught you?
You are the maker of your own destiny.

So, that's me.... who fancies a pint?

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

The baby name debate.... How did you choose?

One of my friends is pregnant with her first baby and she's struggling to come up with a name that she loves. She knows that she's having a boy and she has a few names that she kind of likes but nothing that's blowing her away.
When I was pregnant with No1 son I had my names done and dusted by the time I was sixteen weeks. 

Ethan for a boy and Polly for a girl. 
I'm not sure where I plucked Polly from but back then Ethan was a pretty rare name in the UK. I fell in love with it back in 1988 thanks to the US comedy drama Thirty Something.
Thankfully I had a boy and Polly never saw the light of day.

No 2 son was always going to be Sonny. I love his name and he loves it too (he informed me yesterday when we were discussing this very topic.)

My girls weren't so straight forward and I toyed with so many names before settling on Biba. I LOVE her name. It's original, quirky and cool and it really suits her but by the time you get to No 4 things start to get tricky.

Poor FunnyGirl... In the absence of a name we called her Spud and it kind of stuck. When Yan went off to register her birth I still had no idea what he was going to choose. We'd toyed with Coco, Betty, Kitty,  Kai and at least ten others but she looked like a Spud to me!

He chose Betty and it really suits her. My mum's sister's called Betty and so is one of my cousins so I guess that it's become a bit of a family tradition.

How did you choose your children's names and do you have any great boy's names you can suggest for my friend? Come on be creative - we want to hear all of your favourites.

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Silent Sunday

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
For Silent Sunday


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